高中水平的人出来工作了怎么继续提高英语水平你好,首先,条件允许的情况下可以找外国人或者口语标准的人进行交流其次 可以在空闲时间找一些高中英语听力材料听听 4级也行 6级有点挑战性 至少能帮你解决听力障碍尝试参与英文交流对话 也可自己设计情景,尽量将口语流利表达阅读英文杂志 如CHINA TODAY 等等主要思想是:找回对英语的熟悉感 加强应用能力包括 听力 对话 阅读 写作(具体看您的工作需要和顾客对话还是进行英文写作之类 可自行安排)
大学毕业工作快一年了想继续学习并提高英语请高手指教 RT,对英语很有兴趣但水平有限。CET6才500分。看着别人考托福、雅思、GRE啊很有冲动,自己也很想去试试,但仔细想想。
我就快要工作了,选哪个英语学习机好? 要是想提高口语,就要多说,看Friends.要是想提高词汇就去背星火词汇,利用构词的方式增加词汇量。要是想提高医学英语,就要自学了。电子词典对于医学英语来说并不可靠,很。
英语翻译 1.It is worthwhile to make efforts to improve the working conditions of workers in the factory.2.Her behaviour has inspired others to continue working for the protection fo wildlife.3.As a student,you should be modest and shouldn't look down upon those who know less than you.4.If human beings go on doing like this.we will be short of energy soon.5.Among the young generation,many people like foreign music and movies.6.If you want to know how to this sentence,you had better refer to the dictionary.7.After the tourist team moved off,a lot of people crowded in.希望能帮到你~加油。