一个橘子用英语怎么说呢 想要一个橘子英文


你想要一个桔子吗? 用英文怎么说?

一个橘子用英语怎么说呢 想要一个橘子英文

一个橘子用英文怎么说 中文:一个橘2113子英语:An orange造句:1、我5261早餐吃了一个橘子和一4102根香蕉,午餐吃了几片面包1653。I had an orange and a banana for breakfast and several pieces of bread for lunch.2、在篮子里有一些苹果和一个橘子。There are some apples and an orange in the basket.3、每个小孩都得到一个橘子和一个柠檬。Each child receives one orange and one lemon.4、这是一个橘子罐头。This is a can of or'anges.5、他抬起手从一根枝子上摘了一个橘子。He reached up and picked an orange off a branch.6、每一天,你可以有一个苹果,一个橘子,一块干面包,喝一杯水。Every day you can have one apple,one orange,one piece of dry bread,and a glass of water.7、乔尔:何不从早餐吃一个橘子或香蕉做起?Joel:Why not start out by eating an orange or a banana with your breakfast?8、其中一个橘子比另外一个大得多。One of the oranges was quite a lot bigger than the other.9、那里有一个橘子、一本书、一件夹克衫。There is an orange,a book and a jacket over there.10、这就是就,一个苹果、香蕉或者一个橘子是你明智的选择,。

一个橘子用英语怎么说呢 想要一个橘子英文

能给我一个橘子吗?翻译成英语. Excuse me,could you please give me an orange?这种说法比较礼貌,语气委婉,使人容易接受.希望我的回答对你有所帮助.

一个橘子用英语怎么说呢 想要一个橘子英文

你想要一个桔子吗? 用英文怎么说? Would you like an orange?


