自娱自乐的英文翻译 “自娱自乐”英文怎么说?


“纯属我自娱自乐”,用英语怎么翻译比较地道 Just for enjoyment 这是很地道的表达洋话连篇里 有这样的表达:请看:http://edu.sina.com.cn/me/2003-04-07/1305.html

自娱自乐的英文翻译 “自娱自乐”英文怎么说?

“自娱自乐”英文怎么说? 自娱自乐:amuse oneselfEg:看,他又在自娱自乐了。Look,he is amusing himself again.

自娱自乐的英文翻译 “自娱自乐”英文怎么说?

“自娱自乐” 用英语怎么说? 动词self entertain名词self entertainment

自娱自乐的英文翻译 “自娱自乐”英文怎么说?

“自娱自乐”的翻译成英文是什么单词? 电影名称(NAME):自娱自乐(Master of Everything)点击量:导演(DIRECTOR):李欣 www.dapiaofang.com -基于49个网页 2.Master Of EverythingnglishName.永嘉社区[永嘉论坛]->;。


英语翻译 You always say you love me in your heart,on papper or your space to entertain yourselfI'm sorry that I did'nt know thatYou always save money to buy my albums,products I endorse or the same garment I.

英语翻译 1.I recoganize that I've been amusing myself.2.To be honest,I can't accept somebody who doesn't love me.3.All that I've been thinking of is the past.and who I truly loved was you of the past.4.I want.

自娱自乐用英语怎么说 play on one's own例句:He's like some dreamy kid playing on his own.他就像是个自娱自乐的爱幻想的孩子。词汇解析:1、play英[ple?]美[ple?]n.游戏;比赛;戏剧vt.&vi.玩;演出;参加比赛vt.扮演;担任;装扮vi.玩耍,游戏2、one's英[w?nz]美[w?nz]adj.人们的;自己的3、own英[??n]美[o?n]adj.自己的;特有的n.自己的东西v.承认;拥有向左转|向右转扩展资料词语用法:1、play的基本意思是指为了消遣和娱乐而进行身体的或精神的活动,即“玩,玩耍”,也可指与某人进行一场比赛,即“参加比赛”。2、play还可指“演奏乐器”。引申可指“开某人的玩笑”“扮演”“播放”“(泉水等)喷出”等意思。词语辨析:recreation、relaxation、play1、recreation 指娱乐、消遣:His only form of recreation is playing football.他唯一的娱乐就是踢足球。2、relaxation 指休闲活动、消遣:I go hill-walking for relaxation.我要是想活动活动,就到山上走走。3、play 尤指孩子游戏、玩耍、娱乐:It's children's day.let's do a play.儿童节到了,我们做个游戏吧。

“自娱自乐”英文怎么说 自娱自乐基本释义self-recreationrecreate by oneself


