老者 1s 红米1s如何进入老年极简模式


“最狗的”是什么意思?。..? 基本等同于“最狗性”。意思是最小气,最愿意占别人便宜,而不愿意付出。

找一首外文歌曲 声音很沧桑 雄厚像老者的声音 节奏很慢 里面只有萨克斯的伴奏 不知道是不是流浪歌手唱的? he can't see it She can do no wrong Turn his back on his best friend If he puts her down When a man loves a woman Spend his very last dime Trying to hold on to 。


肖申克的救赎经典台词 Red:There's not a day goes by I don't feel regret.Not because I'm in here,or because you think I should.I look back on the way I was then,a young,stupid kid who committed that terrible crime.I want to talk to him.I want to try and talk some sense to him,tell him the way things are.But I can’t.That kid's long gone and this old man is all that's left.I got to live with that.Rehabilitated?It's just a bullshit word.So you go on and stump your form,sonny,and stop wasting my time.Because to tell you the truth,I don't give a shit.Red:我无时无刻不对自己的所作所为深感内疚,这不是因为我在这里(监狱),也不是讨好你们(假释官).回首曾经走过的弯路,我多么想对那个犯下重罪的愚蠢的年轻人说些什么,告诉他我现在的感受,告诉他还可以有其他的方式解决问题.可是,我做不到了.那个年轻人早已淹没在岁月的长河里,只留下一个老人孤独地面对过去.重新做人?骗人罢了。小子,别再浪费我的时间了,盖你的章吧,说实话,我不在乎.

