当前常用的网络终端设备有哪些? 终端装置英文


英语翻译 kind of routing control equipment,have the existence of information management database,there can be used to send information communication terminal user the existence of information management;The router information management database,used to keep the connection to the routing strategies on the set on the network router connection information:the existence of information analysis device,used to according to the above analysis the existence of information users state of being,and transmission.Its characteristics lies in,also have:existence strategy management database,used to management are routing diego strategy,the choice existing routing strategies used to determine the user a packet routing destination:existence routing strategy control devices,according to the existing information used to by analysis of the device is the existence of information users explain the existence strategy management database,and the router information management database,user existing information 。英语翻译 This article introduces a kind of inductive monitoring device for valuables based on Zigbee technolo当前常用的网络终端设备有哪些? 终端设备分为通用的和专用的两类。通用终端设备泛指附有通信处理控制功能的通用计算机输入输出设备。配置的种类和数量视需要而定。通常可以选用的输百入和输出装置有:键盘、卡片阅读机,度纸带阅读机、光学文字符号或标记识别机、语声识别器、串行或行式打印机、显示器、卡片穿孔机、纸带穿孔机、语声合成器、软磁盘机、磁带机、磁盘机等。经由通信设施向计算机输入程序和数据或接收计算机输出处理结果的设备。内终端设备通常设置在能利用通信设施与远处计算机联接工作的方便场所,它主要由通信接口控制装置与专用或选定的输入输出装置组合而成。众多分散的终端设备经由通信设施而与计算机联接的系统称为联机容系统。在需要向计算机输入输出少量而频繁的信息,或者需要查询检索计算机信息库时,常使用操作灵活的键盘显示终端设备。什 么是“视觉显示终端装置综 合征”? 视觉显示终端装置,主要包括我们日常工作中使用 的电脑、文字处理机和电视机的荧光屏,以及输入这几 种设备的打字键盘等。所谓视觉显示终端装置综合征,就是指由于从事这种。英语翻译 kind of routing control equipment,have the existence of information management database,there can b“设备”的英文是什么? 设备:1.equipment2.facilities3.installationsRelative explainations:device>;<;facility>;<;fittings>;<;fixing>;<;attachment>;<;equipage>;<;installation>;<;fixture>;<;furnishings>;<;graith>;<;instrument>;<;facilitiy>;<;apparatus>;Examples:1.这个房间装有空调设备。The room is equipped with air conditioning.2.新医院的全部设备需要一年才能装备好。The complete equipment of the new hospital will take a year.3.我们应该更好地利用现有设备。We should make a better use of the existing equipment.4.这家石油公司将用船运出输油管道和重型设备。The oil company will ship out piping and heavy equipment.5.设备必须从公司认可的供应商那里购买。The equipment must be bought from a supplier approved by the company.6.政府对引进科学设备非常感兴趣。The government has an interest in importing scientific equipment.7.这个价钱把全部固定装置和设备都打在里面了。The price includes all fixtures and fittings.8.电脑控制板上有许多小灯和电子设备。There are many lights and electrical instruments on the computer console.焊接。


