五年级下册英语非常阶段123提优训练的答案零五网, 初一下册英语提优答案


初一下册的英语单选和句型转换!~帮帮忙噢! ()He_morning exercises yesterday.A.wasn't do B.didn't C.didn't do D.doesn't do选C 过去时 did 的否定是didn't do()We don't mind_our teacher said.A.who B.why C.what D.where选C what teacher said 老师所说的()My mom always asks me_in the sun.It's bad_my eyes.A.don't read,for B.not to read,for C.not read,to D.don't to read,to选B ask sb.to do sth.叫某人做某事,否定形式ask sb.not to do sth.It's bad for.对.不好句型转换:The girl is eight years old and has curly hair.(同义句替换)The(eight-year-old)girl has curly hair.Jenny showed us her new watch.(同义句替换)Jenny showed(her)new watch(to)us.Li Lei doesn't have a new watch.(同义句替换LI Lei(has)(no)new watch.

五年级下册英语非常阶段123提优训练的答案零五网, 初一下册英语提优答案

七年级下册英语学练优答案 1.根据句意及首字母的提示,写出单词完成句子。(1)He will come here s_oon_(2)We have two c_hinese_classes every week(3)They are having an English class in the c_。

五年级下册英语非常阶段123提优训练的答案零五网, 初一下册英语提优答案

七年级上策英语提优训练 非常阶段123答案

五年级下册英语非常阶段123提优训练的答案零五网, 初一下册英语提优答案

给份英语测试提,初一下册的 有答案的(增加悬赏的) 不要白不要啊 2天之内 这是我们省教研员出的一份试卷。不要外流,不然可能会追版权GO for it 七年级(下)期末质量检测英语试卷第一部分 听力部分一、听力(共15小题,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题2分,满分25分)第一节:听对话,选择图片。()1.How was the weather yesterday?A B C()2.What did Cathy’s mother do last Sunday afternoon?A B C()3.Where did Peter go on vacation?A B C()4.What does Ruth’s aunt do?A B C()5.Who is Lucy’s teacher?A B C第二节:听对话,回答问题。()6.What are Mary and Lily doing?A.They are working.B.They are playing.C.They are talking.()7.Which man is Li Lei’s uncle?A.The one has curly long hair.B.The one has straight hair.C.The one has curly short hair.()8.How was Meimei’s weekend?A.It was very good.B.It was terrible.C.It was bad.()9.What kind of TV shows does Mike like?A.Culture China.B.Sport News.C.Healthy Living.()10.Where is the girl’s pen pal from?A.Japan B.Canada C.France第三节:听两段长对话,回答问题。听第一段长对话,回答第11-12两个小题。()11.What animal。

五年级下册英语非常阶段123提优训练的答案零五网, 一、1.C 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.D二、1.She spends two hours going/It takes hertwo hours to go 2.has become partof 3.is harmful to our health 4.spends so much time on 。

七年级下册英语优+学案答案 不好意思,实在不好找,你应该向同学或老师要啊。网上一般很难找的.所以,你以后没必要问这些问题了,节省点分吧。我知道我的答案不会让你满意,不过,相信没人会给你让你满意的答案的.

七年级英语提优课时作业本答案 遇到不会的题就上网找答案照抄,根本不想动脑筋,会让学生养成不思考的习惯,改正吧,多思考做题不怕做错,就怕不思考希望能帮到你,请采纳正确答案.你的点赞或采纳是我继续帮助其他人的动力


