我记忆不好,要一分钟背完一篇英语故事,怎么办? 背书要有好的记忆力才能事半功倍。好的记忆力都是练出来的,比较有效地训练方法有三个:(1)速读法(又叫全脑速读记忆):速读法是在快速阅读的基础上进行记忆训练的,实际上,两者是同时进行也是相互相成的,别以为阅读速度快了记忆就差了,因为这里靠的不是左脑意识的逻辑记忆,而是右脑潜意识的图像记忆,后者比前者强100万倍。通过速读记忆训练的朋友都知道,速度越快记忆越好,详细学习资料你可以到《精英特全脑速读记忆网站》下载软件练习。(2)图像法(又叫联结记忆术):图像法也是运用右脑的图像记忆功能,发挥右脑想象力来联结不同图像之间的关系,从而变成一个让人记忆深刻的故事来实现超大容量的记忆,关于联结记忆术,《精英特全脑速读记忆软件》也有训练,这个方法是很多记忆大师都在使用的方法。(3)导图法(又叫思维导图):思维导图是一个伟大的发明,不仅在记忆上可以让你大脑里的资料系统化、图像化,还可以帮助你思维分析问题,统筹规划。如果是正在忙着备考的学生或者想要提升自身能力的朋友,我建议学习一下《精英特全脑速读记忆》,能够提高记忆力和学习效率。坚持就会有收获,祝你成功。英语翻译 Hi Everybody。I am Regina.I want to say a story which is not just cramming up,It`s a real story in my summer vacation.This vacation,mom and dad took me to watch Movie in cinema.This film is《Aftershocks》(不要怀疑确实是这个英文,我也看了.).This is a moving story,lots of people`s tear flowling,me too.but,Beacuse of I was scared.Although some chapters i do not understand,but I think it is very meaningful.Besides this movie,I saw lots kinds of books,such as education for love,Chinese folk story,if give me three days light and so on.I think these books are very good,it is worth a shot.Then I said one chapter of Chinese folk stories in if you like,I would loan the book to you after class.1.A tree in front of mister`s door,a pair of scholar came out.Liang Shanbo go ahead.Zhu Yingtai go behind,Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai,fated marriage connected forever。写了半天,上面的回答明显机械翻译的,不要什么分数,看样子你还是学生,没事多多学习吧。求一篇好背的,短点的英文寓言故事,带寓意的。明天老师让我背。 The Sick Lion 生病的狮子A lion had come to the end of his days.He lay helpless under a tree.The animals came around him.When they saw that he was going to die,they thought tothemselves,\"Now is the time to pay him back.So the boar came up and rushed at him with his tusks.Then a bull gored him with his horns.The lion still lay helpless before them.So the ass felt quite safe.He turned his tail to the lion and kicked up his heels into his face.This is a double death.\"growled the lion.The Greedy Dog(贪心的狗)One day,a dog found a bone,so he happily took it home.On his way home,he walked on a bridge.As he looked down at the river,he saw hisreflectionin the water.He didn’t know that washimself.Hethought that wasanother dogwithabiggerbone.He looked at the dog,and the dog looked at him,too.Thedogthought,“His boneseems to be bigger than mine.It would begreat if Icould get his bone.”Thus,he started to bark at the dog in the water.However,just when he opened his。求7年级可以背的英语小故事 It was a cold winter day in 1919.A small boy was walking along the street in London.His name was Tom.He was very hungry.He wanted to buy some bread,but he had 。
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