我最感谢的人英语作文翻譯 以最想感谢的人写一篇英语作文带翻译八年级


求英语作文一篇:我感激的一个人 我最感激的一个人学会感激,是一门必修课。小鸟感谢天空,是天空让它自由翻飞;小溪流感谢波涛汹涌的大海,是大海让它认识了许多伙伴;而我,则要感谢你,是你让我懂得了许多许多…是你,让我懂得了:高调做事,永不言弃。那一夜,在一阵笑声中,我们朝着团队训练基地出发了。到了那儿,教官把我们分成两队,比赛攀绳索。我自告奋勇,先去攀登。我双手紧握绳索,小心翼翼地挪了起来。正当我到了半中间,只见绳索一歪,我就掉了下去。一连十几个同学都是这样,两队的队员都“摔”得只剩下你一人了。你忐忑不安地上了绳索,一点一点地滑了起来。正当你快要“过关”的时候,绳索剧烈地摇晃起来,你差一点就摔了下去。但是,我看到你的手牢牢地握住绳子,眼睛直视前方,牙齿紧紧地咬着嘴唇,你就这样攀住绳子,使尽浑身解数,终于成功了!我当时激动地问了你:“你为什么能成功呢?你只是轻轻地说:“那就是高调做事,永不言弃!这句话,如今我仍是记忆犹新。是你,让我懂得了:低调做人,默默无闻。那天,一个个同学拖着疲倦的身子回到了宿舍,把一些脏东西留给了操场。你暗暗地组织了我们去操场打扫卫生。你时而奔向一边的塑料瓶,时而弯下腰捡起脚下的纸,时而拿起扫帚。

我最感谢的人英语作文翻譯 以最想感谢的人写一篇英语作文带翻译八年级

我最想感谢的人 英语作文 My mother is the person I want to thank most.She gave me life and brought me up.She loves me with all her heart without waiting for me to give her any reward in kind.Whenever i have difficulty,I would turn to her for help.Whenever I fall ill,she would be one to take care of me at the cost of her own health.She would be happy with every little progress I have made.My mom cares for me but never spoils me.She is strict with me and shows me what is wrong and what is right.She herself sets up a role model for me so that I will become a useful person in the society.Today,I want to say\"Thank you,mom.

我最感谢的人英语作文翻譯 以最想感谢的人写一篇英语作文带翻译八年级


我最感谢的人英语作文翻譯 以最想感谢的人写一篇英语作文带翻译八年级

写一篇以\ The earth,because the grass gratitude to its life,The sea,because the fish Thanksgiving let it fly,Green leaves,flowersgratitude because it is beautiful.Even so,our nature shouldhave a thankful heart。小草感恩大地,因为大地给予它生命;鱼儿感恩大海,因为大海让它远行;鲜花感恩绿叶,因为绿叶使它更美.自然界尚且如此,我们人就应该拥有一颗感恩的心!I'mgrateful for his parents.When I was sick,they are desperate to carryme to the hospital,and take care of my days and nights,When I had noumbrella,for I brought their umbrellas,When I was sneaking tears,injustice,they use their warm hands as I wiped the tears.They pay forme so much,I can not thank them?When they are tired,I held on a hotcup of tea for them,When they learn about my grades,I occasionallyoffer me the red testimonials,When they are not happy,I went tocomfort them.I know that these are small enough to express hisdaughter of gratitude,but please you to believe me,I'll do everything.From Joozone.com.我要感恩。

