索耶一家人翻译 求新概念英语第一册55课课文


求一篇英语作文 The ____family,比如说 The Sawyer family ,索耶一家人,横线上是姓氏,不少于80个单词

索耶一家人翻译 求新概念英语第一册55课课文

什么时候 \ 名词解释说明名词的时候,不加所有格:比如shoe store.shoe是解释商店为卖鞋的商店.表示所属关系的时候,用所有格:比如Tom's TV.TV是Tom的东西,Tom用来解释TV.再如table's legs,腿是桌子身上长的.应该是前面的.因为这个家是姓S*的人的一家,而不是一种所属关系,那个姓只是解释一下这个家庭的姓.

索耶一家人翻译 求新概念英语第一册55课课文


索耶一家人翻译 求新概念英语第一册55课课文


“live in”和“live at”有什么区别? “live in”和“live at”的区别:live in后面应该加相对较大的地方,比如国家,城市等,如live in China live at后面则是加相对较小的的地方,比如说街道区等,如live at 。

求新概念英语第一册55课课文 55 索耶一家人391.The Sawyer live at 87 King Street.索耶一家住在国王街87号。392.In the morning,Mr.Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school.早上,索耶先生去上班,孩子们去上学。393.Mrs.Sawyer stays at home every day.索耶夫人每天呆在家里。394.She does the housework.她料理家务。395.She always eats her lunch at noon.她总是在正午吃午饭。396.In the afternoon,she usually sees her friends.下午,她总是会见她的朋友。397.They often drink tea together.她们经常在一起喝茶。398.In the evening,the children come home from school.傍晚,孩子们放学回家。399.They arrive home early.他们到家很早。400.Mr.Sawyer comes home from work.索耶先生下班回家。401.He arrives home late.他到家很晚。402.At night,the children always do their homework.晚上,孩子们总是做作业,403.Then they go to bed.然后去睡觉。404.Mr.Sawyer usually reads his newspaper,索耶先生总是读报纸,405.but sometimes he and his wife watch television.但有时和他的妻子一起看电视。

汤姆索亚历险记经典英文句子(10句) Look,Tom can now clouded,he became a hero.He changed the old when walking,jumping,back straight,like a pirate in the limelight.瞧,汤姆现在可2113神气了,他5261成了英雄。他一改往日的蹦蹦跳4102跳,走路时,腰板挺直,俨然一1653副受人注目的海盗相。However,he did not say,that is:\"it is believable-so long a dream,no little mistake。不过,他并没有说出来,那就是:“这不可信—那么长的一个梦,居然没有一点差错!Yes,he walked through the crowd,look at them,also ignore what they said,put them not,kids all flocked to behind him,and proud of it.是的,他从人群中走过时,既不看他们一眼,也不理睬他们说什么,把他们全不当一回事,小家伙们成群结队跟在他身后,并以此为荣。But if he is worthy of love can get his blessing,he helped through the disaster,there will be no one can just before he died,to smile,or to the Lord.不过要是只有配受他爱护的人才能得到他的保佑,由他帮助渡过灾难,那就没有几个人能在临死前,能从容微笑,或是到主那里去安息了。先给你找了这几句,如果你觉得可以我再找

