最低0.27元开通文库会员,查看完整内容>;原发布者:易发表网英语口语中话语标记语的语用功能Abstract:Discourse markers(hereafter DMs)are pervasively used in spoken language,which have very important pragmatic functions-repair function and politeness function.It plays a very important role in our daily communication,and enables speakers to make logical and coherent utterances.Key words:discourse markers;communication;pragmatic functionsI.IntroductionWhen paying attention to spoken one will notice a group of lexical expressions in utterances.They do not convey any propositional meaning,but they are part of a discourse segment.These expressions are called discourse markers(DMs).DMs have very important pragmatic functions in communication.Many scholars(Schiffrin,1996;Fraser,1987;Blakemore,2001)have showed keen interest in DMs and some have carried out a series of researches in an attempt to name and define these lexical expressions.This paper analyzes repair function and politeness 。
怎么练好英语口语? 学习外国语言,要先弄懂其特性,才能更好掌握学习的技巧。那大家知道英语口语的最显著特点有哪些吗?如何…
话语标记语的语用特征论文 摘要:本文运用语用理论探讨了话语标记语的几个主要特征。话语标记语是在语言中不影响句子真值、只表达态度或步骤意义的语言成分。话语标记语在话语中具有关联性、顺应性及。
中学英语教师课堂上说的Boys and girls, 算是话语标记(DM)吗? 个人感觉不是,可以用studens替代,像well、you konw的功能才算是dm吧。参考!
英语口语中如何礼貌地结束一段对话? 1.自然地停顿 交谈会有自然的节奏,你们轮流发言,会有自然的停顿,这些短暂的停顿就是你的好机会,借机结束对话。例如:“Well,it’s been nice talking to you,but I 。
写语言学的论文怎样利用语料库?写语言学的论文怎样利用语料库?给您提供点参考书目: Aijmer,K.&B.Altenberg(Eds.).2004.Advances in CorpusLinguistics.Papers from the 。
英语口语中有哪些高频词串(Lexical Bundles)? 问题:英语口语中有哪些高频词串(High-frequency lexical bundles)?求相关的词串表或清单!问题背景:…