他想星期三去打篮球吗?(翻译成英语) 我们打算在星期三打篮球用英语怎么说


英语翻译 1.Two years ago Li Ming didn't know how to play basketball.2.There weren't bicycles in the yard yesterday.3.Did you go to Beijing last year?4.When did you do your homework?Three hours ago.5.Mum didn't.

他想星期三去打篮球吗?(翻译成英语) 我们打算在星期三打篮球用英语怎么说

我打算这个星期天下午打篮球的英语3种 I'm going to play basketball this Saturday afternoon.I'm playing basketball this Saturday afternoon.I will play basketball this Saturday afternoon.

他想星期三去打篮球吗?(翻译成英语) 我们打算在星期三打篮球用英语怎么说

这个星期天你打算去打篮球吗的英文 plan to do“计划做某事”,强调你有心里已有这个计划、安排.一般用于比较大、且时间跨度较长的事情,如一个学期的计划、一个暑假的计划.be going to do 是将来时的一种形式,“打算做某事”,一般时间不会间隔太久.Are you going to play basketball this sunday?

他想星期三去打篮球吗?(翻译成英语) 我们打算在星期三打篮球用英语怎么说

在星期2我要和我的朋友打篮球用英语怎么说 在星期2我要和我的朋友打篮球 英文翻译 I'm going to play basketball with my friends on 2

打篮球,星期二中午去动物园看猴子,星期三去体育馆和朋友们打羽毛球,星期四晚上去同学加参加聚会,星期五中午去下棋,星期六早上去操场跑步,中午吃有营养的午饭,晚上待在家里看电视吃点心. On sunday I went ice skating in the plaza and on monday,I played basketball with my friends after school.On tuesday,I went to the zoo and saw monkeys.On wednesday,I went to the stadium and played.

他想星期三去打篮球吗?(翻译成英语) Does he want/plan to play basketball on Wednesday?这句肯定没错want或plan换wants或plans就错了。

你明天打算打篮球吗用英语怎么说 我很荣幸回答你的问题答案是 Will you play basketball tomorrow.

你在星期天打 Do you play basketball on Sunday?



