请自便的英文怎么写 请自便的英语单词怎么读


我可以进来吗?的英文怎么说 May I come in?Please help yourselp.请自便(随便吃的意思)Please go ahead.请自便(做事)请你再说一遍 Pardon(me)?

请自便的英文怎么写 请自便的英语单词怎么读

请自便,用英语怎么说? Make yourself at home(非常准确的口语说法)另外的一些情景下也可以用go aheadhelp yourselftake your time楼上的up to you是表示取决与你。意思不同啊呵呵 希望对你有所帮忙 祝楼主进步哈

请自便的英文怎么写 请自便的英语单词怎么读

请自便,用英语怎么说 help yourself;make yourself at home

请自便的英文怎么写 请自便的英语单词怎么读

请自便用英语怎么写 help yourself 请自便 help yourself to sth 请随便吃点-

请自便用英语怎么说 Help yourself.You are ad lib here.请自便,在这里你不受限制.Suit yourself,but I had hoeped that you would come and help.请自便,不过我曾希望过你能来帮忙.When Bob insisted on going,John left him to himself.鲍勃一定要走,约翰便听其自便了,You is free to come and go as you please.你来去自便.

请自便的英语怎么说 help yourself

请自便的英语单词怎么读 请自便help yourself;make yourself at home;[例句]吃什么请自便。Help yourself to some chow

请自便的英语怎么写? 卜算子·不是爱风尘宋代:严蕊不是爱风尘,似被前缘误。花落花开自有时,总赖东君主。去也终须去,住也如何住!若得山花插满头,莫问奴归处。

请自便用英语怎么写 help yourself 请自便help yourself to sth 请随便吃点-

请自便的英语怎么写? Please help yourself.词典释义Help yourself请自便,请随便吃make yourself at home请自便help yourself to

