迈克刚刚根本没看见我英语怎么说 英语翻译


我始终没有发现迈克过去的真相翻译成英语 你好!我始终没有发现迈克过去的真相I never found mike the truth of the past.希望对你有所帮助。

迈克刚刚根本没看见我英语怎么说 英语翻译

我看见迈克从一家电影院出来的英文? I saw Mike coming out from a movie theater.我看见迈克从一家电影院出来

迈克刚刚根本没看见我英语怎么说 英语翻译

翻译一段英语、急求。 I suddendly met with Jack when I was walking in the street,I had nothing to do but said hello to him。I an afraid to meet him,Jack is a saller.He always promote sales me a lot of products which is expensive but useness.When he see you,nomater what you are busy or not,he just always promote sales to you,so all the people in the street are keep away from him.

迈克刚刚根本没看见我英语怎么说 英语翻译

帮我翻译一句英语.现在迈克弹钢琴没有困难了.Now Mike()the piano.框内要填四个单词,麻烦大家了.

迈克没来参加昨晚的聚会,也没接我打电话做任何解释.英语翻译? Mike didn't show up at the party yesterday evening,nor did he call me explaining what had happened.

英语翻译 Since Mike went to China,he has collected so many stamps.This is the best model I've ever seen.I've never seen such beautiful scenery.They have not been to the Summer Palace.I have been busy with stu.

在周六迈克通常看电影,用英文怎么说? Mike usually goes to cinema on Saturday.

迈克喜欢交一些和他不一样的朋友用英语怎么说 Mike like to make some friends who are different from him.


