疑问句加什么代词 不定代词作主语,反义疑问句中的代词用什么? 如Everything is good . 是用don't they ? 还是用doesn't it ?


一般疑问句回答时,必须用人称代词? Does Li Ming like apples?简略回答:Yes,he does.虽然用Li Ming does也没错,但是简略回答中一般用人称代词.完整回答:Yes,he likes apples.此时用Li Ming likes apples也可以,至少比较符合习惯

疑问句加什么代词 不定代词作主语,反义疑问句中的代词用什么? 如Everything is good . 是用don't they ? 还是用doesn't it ?

反义疑问句里,nobody\\no one\\somebody\\someone\\everybody\\everyone分别用什么人称代词?he还是they nobody\\no one\\somebody\\everybody\\everyone都用ZHEY都表示一部分人,一种类人nothing\\everything也是ZHEYsorrysome one/some body 应该用HE

疑问句加什么代词 不定代词作主语,反义疑问句中的代词用什么? 如Everything is good . 是用don't they ? 还是用doesn't it ?

什么是疑问词加动词不定式 疑问词加动词不定式:a)构成:what,which,how,when,where等疑问代词或疑问副词,后面几个一个动词不定式或动词不定式短语.b)作用:按所作的句子成分来说,在句子中一般可以作主语,宾语和表语.如How to save the child is the most important to us.(作主语)I don’t know what to do next.(作宾语)The problem is when to start.(作表语);“疑问词+动词不定式”结构可以改写成由该疑问词引导的从句,从句所作的句子成分不变.如I don’t know what to do.=I don’t know what I should do.P.S.疑问代词和疑问副词表示的含义不同,你只要知道哪些是疑问代词,哪些是疑问副词,就可以分清了:1.疑问代词可在疑问句中作主语、宾语、表语和定语.常见的有:what,who,whose,which等.如:What colour is it?It’s red.2.疑问副词定义 用于发问时间、场所、情态、方法、程度、原因、理由等的副词叫作疑问副词.没有一般疑问副词与特殊疑问副词之分.疑问副词有when,where,why和how等例:When did you see her last?(你最后见她是在什么时候?Where does she live?(她住在哪儿?How shall I let you know the result?(我如何把结果通知你?Why do you leave the door open?(你。

疑问句加什么代词 不定代词作主语,反义疑问句中的代词用什么? 如Everything is good . 是用don't they ? 还是用doesn't it ?

以is或are开头的疑问句后面的人称代词为什么用主格,不是说动前主格动后宾吗 在这句话中,人称代词是做主语的,所以是she才对。用主格还是宾格取决于需要这个人称代词在句中做什么成分,需要主语用主格,宾语就用宾格。

一个英语特殊疑问句的提问 是的,你说的是对的,句子应该是 Which city was the old man born in?be born in 是固定短语搭配 相信你自己,没问题的 希望能被采纳

疑问词构成是什么?疑问代词,疑问副词,疑问词词组有哪些?说出How soon和How often的区别????求解! 1.疑问词构成:疑问词分为疑问代词“who,what,which,whose”和疑问副词“when,where,how,why”when 什么时间 问时间(列句:when are you going home?who 谁 问人(例句:who is boy?whose 谁的 问主人(列句:whose is this?where 在哪里 问地点(例句:where were you yesterday?which 哪一个 问选择(例句:which girl is amy?why 为什么 问原因(例句:why?what 什么 问东西(例句:what did you do?what time 什么时间 问时间(例句:what time is it now?what color 什么颜色 问颜色(例句:what color is this?what about 怎么样 问意见(列句:What about a cuppa?what day 星期几 问星期(列句:Whatday is it?what date 什么日期 问具体日期(列句:What's the date today?what for 为何目的 问目的(列句:what for?how…怎么样 问情况(例句:how are you?how old 多大 问年龄(例句:how old are you?how many 多少 问数量(列句:how many times?how much 多少 问价钱(列句:how much?how about…怎么样 问意见(列句:how are you?how far 多远 问路程(列句:how far?how soon 通常在一般将来时,意为\"再等多长时间?多长时间才。

英语里的特殊疑问词有哪些 加意思

