当你确定好行程之后 怎翻译 英语翻译


请别人确认行程英语怎么讲 翻译如下:请别人确认行程Please confirm the itinerary

英文翻译: 当你确定日期的时候告诉我。我可以计划一下去找你 当你确定日期的时候告诉我。我可以计划一下去找你。英语是:Tell me when you have set a date,so that I can make plan to visit you.或是:Let me know when you have set a date,so that I can make plan to visit you.希望会对你有帮助。

一个人愿意主动告诉你他的行程 是不是代表他已经把你放在心上了 这要看情况而论,愿意主动告诉你行程不一定代表已经把你放在心上,还要总结多方面的才能确定,但是可以确定你是他比较好的朋友

英语翻译 1.The price comprision sheet/table,we`ve tried our utmost to satisfy your requirements of delivery.2.Pls inform us when you fixed the routine,then we will go to check the details with you.


请高手译“我已确定行程。。”英文,地道+简单!!! I have already read a handful of the traveling guidebooks you sent to me which is pretty considerate as it's.Referring to those recommendation I've exactly got my own itinerary and I'll be grade to enjoy it predived there aren't the behind-schdule planes,or other unexpected accidents.So,enclosed,please find my detailed routes below.Last but not least,owing to my faltering I think it'll be considerate towards me if there's a spoken-Chinese cicerone during all the journey,will you?

能帮我看一下这句英文我说得对吗?I have checked your diary that you will be available before 17:30pm at Thursday.Could I confirm with Mr.Li you will be fine at that time?中文背景我已经看了你的行程表,你在周二17:30之后有空.我是不是可以和李先生确认你在那个时间

滴滴顺风车怎发布完行程以后怎么办?等着司机接单吗?这个还是第一次用。共2 随缘好自在 LV.7 2018-03-31 关注 滴滴 顺风车 怎发布完行程以后,只需等待司机接单即可。

英文翻译 他的行程还没确认,等他确认后我会告知你 共2 He haven't confirm the itinerary,I will inform you after waiting for him to confirm 他的行程还没确认,等他确认后我会告知你 望采纳 。


