

(可以跟你拍个照吗?)的英文怎么说? 楼上说的不错.May I take a picture with you?p.s.你好是hello.不是hallo呵在美国我最常听到的是第四个

\ 我能和你拍个照吗英文

打扰一下,能和你拍张照吗?用英语怎么说 用英语可以说:5261Excuse me,can I take a picture with you?扩展资料:4102英语中拍照1653常用专“take a picture of sb”、“take photographs”的形式属,表达拍照,例如:1、If the weather's no good then I won't take any pictures.如果天气不好,我就不拍照了。2、Today at the crossing there were swarms of tourists taking photographs.今天在十字路口有大群的游客在拍照。3、The tourists have nothing to do but take pictures of each other.游客无事可做,只能互相拍照。

\ 我能和你拍个照吗英文

手机拍照和单反拍照的差别在哪里? 这的最后我放了这个链接https://www.zhihu.com/question/6543 0163/answer/231426631 里面倒数第二张图,左P10P,右D800E,点击照片,放大后看一下树的细节,感受一下。

\ 我能和你拍个照吗英文

求:“我能和你拍一张照片”,用英语怎么说. I can take a photo with you



我能和你拍一张照片吗用英语怎么说 Can I take a photo with you?

我可以和你们拍张照吗用英文怎么说。不是我可以和你拍张照哦!May I take a photo with you?Do you mind taking a photo with me?Will you mind if I want to take a photo。

我能和你照张相吗?用英语怎么说 “我能和你照张相吗”的英语句式主要有以下几种说法:Can I take a photo with you?Should we take a picture together?May i take a photo withCould i take a photo withHow about taking a picture togetherWhat about taking a picture togetherWhy not take a photo together?

\"我能和你合影吗?英文翻译为:May I take a picture with you?或May I take a photo with you?(1)may i英[?me?bi]美[?mebi]adv.我可以吗,也许我可以。n.不确定性(2)picture英[?p?kt??(r)]美[?p?kt??]n.照片,画像;图画,图片;影片;情景。vt.构想,想象;描绘,画;描述。(3)with youprep.和你。与你同在。扩展资料:合影的相关短语有:have a group photo taken;group photo.相关例句:1、We have a group photo taken to mark the graduation.我们照了一张集体相来纪念毕业。2、The mayor had a group photo with the stars of the catering industry市长和餐饮业服务明星合影留念。3、I've got a photo of him on the wall.我在墙上挂了一张他的照片。


