我的家乡在荆州作文ppt 帮忙制作一个介绍家乡湖北的PPT


2.我的家乡坐落在长江边上,是一个鱼米之乡,人们丰衣足食,开心生活. 我也是荆州的,见到老乡帮个忙啦,就随便写了一篇,马马虎虎,凑合用吧My hometownMy hometown,Jingzhou,is a culture city with a history of 2000 years.It is aglittering pearl which locates along the Yangtze River.This is a good district with abundant fish and rice.people here are well-fed and well-clothed,they live a substantial life.There are many snacks there,such as hot pot,barbecue and hot spicy dip.People in my hometown are enthusiastic and friendly,you will have a wonderful time if you take a trip there.My hometown is the most lovely place in my heart.

我的家乡在荆州作文ppt 帮忙制作一个介绍家乡湖北的PPT

请问谁有荆州古城风景的图片,要清晰的大一点的。 我还真有,过年的时候照的,等我发给你。发了

我的家乡在荆州作文ppt 帮忙制作一个介绍家乡湖北的PPT


我的家乡在荆州作文ppt 帮忙制作一个介绍家乡湖北的PPT

我的家乡荆州英文演讲稿怎么写 先写问候,然后是介绍家乡的特点 注意详略得当 然后是邀请大家来家乡做客

求沙市的人我是在沙市上学的,找沙市大学的人,怎么联系你们啊?我是2001级的联系我的QQ吧 有一个群 你是哪里的?我可以把学校的近况给你 我回学校?

帮忙制作一个介绍家乡湖北的PPT 这个简单,需准备材料,粘贴

七哀诗其一注音版 xī jīng luàn wú xiàng,chái hǔ fāng gòu huàn。西京乱无象,豺虎方遘患。fù qì zhōng guó qù,wěi shēn shì jīng mán。复弃 中国 去,委身适荆蛮。。

求我的家乡慈溪 的PPT。请发我邮箱。 506073855 文件过大,我QQ上发给你离线文件了.记得开QQ查收.并记得采纳问题,不是赞成,谢谢

高分悬赏!全英文duty report翻译。急好的会另外追加!有PPT演示 所以还需要英文介绍 Hello,everyone.Today is my duty report for you.Today I introduce my hometown Jingzhou.The point on the graph is the Jingzhou position in the whole country,today I is divided into five sections to introduce my hometown.Please watch the view Jingzhou city promotional film first.After we finished watching video on my home has a certain understanding.Next,let us work together to enjoy the beautiful night view of Jingzhou.Speaking of Jingzhou will have to say about our Jingzhou diet culture and special breakfast.Let us watch the video early in Jingzhou.Finally,introduced Jingzhou to introduce myself.This photo was taken in Shenzhen when I was small,it was so cute,huh.This photo is me and my brother,remember that we have a snowball fight in the winter,my father to take the.This is my primary school graduation picture,this is my high school in the Hubei High School of Shashi Province,next to the high school period I.The two photo is of my high school graduation and students together to beat 。

