给一个多年不见得老球友写一封信 英语作文 Hello,old friend,how are you recently?I always miss you,remember that time we play together.Hey,in the twinkling of an eye,several years later.I've been learning cooking,hey,you know what,that cooking is so interesting,when I see my work,really have a sense of achievement.Color aroma and taste.Yes,what have you been doing lately.Remember that time,you said to form their own band,how toOld friend,this winter,really want to see you,perhaps I will fly to you.Recently I save travel funds.Well,the rest of the words let us meet again.求英语作文“写给朋友的一封信”内容是告诉朋友大学里开心和不开心的事 150左右 Dear Helen,I am in the university now.I love the school there。In my college,there is a really big library with all kinds of books there。I often go there when I am free,I really enjoy myself in the library.I am sitting in the library,but you can see I am going a journey with the main character.The place where you can enjoy your time the most quietly is at the library。But I also met some things that make me sad.I saw my best friend fought with others and he was bad hurt。Now he is lying on the bad in the hospital。When I got to the place they fought,he was already feel bad。I was completely shocked。And recently,I didn't pass the Chinese exam.I have to study harder to get better grades。Yours,Anna写给好朋友的一封信英语作文 Dear John,亲爱的约翰:Long time no see,how is your summer vacation?I’m really sorry for writing so late.I have been too busy at this moment.I am happy to hear 。帮忙写一篇英语作文(100字内,) Thanks for the letter you,I'm pleased to hear from you.How are you?My family and I fine here.In the letter you had mentioned you will come and visit me next week.Well,I will be away from home on Monday and Tuesday,I'll be out on Wednesday morning.I'll be not in the town from Thursday afternoon and will be back on Friday morning.So,I can see you on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning but please don't come too early in the morning.Please be reminded,I'll not up until ten o'clock.You may let me know what time you coming visit me.Keep in touch.1给朋友的一封信英语作文 Dear Robert,亲爱的罗伯特:I'm glad to receive your letter.Now I will tell you something about my plan for summer vacation after the final exam.Firstly,I will learn to drive.I think driving c.给朋友的一封信英语写50词小学四年级 Dear Lucy,How are you these days?What are you doing these days?Are you worried about your study?Last week,our school held a sports meeting and my class got first.How about you?Do you have anything funny?Write back to me soon.YoursMike英语作文:给老朋友的一封信 Hello buddy。How are you?I'm very well now,don't worry about me.I had already done't see you for a long time.^帮忙写一篇80字的英文回信(小作文) 如果是找人代写代答,网络上有许多笔手或写手是需要付费的,复制的和原创的价格是不一样的,原创的是需要支付稿酬的,看来你是想空手套白狼吗?如果是请别人帮助的话,应该有句礼貌的语言,这么旁若无人般的对着电脑大要作文合适吗?再说了大家都素不相识的,这里又不是你个人的秘书处,别人凭什么要按照你的要求为你写作,你又凭什么这样无偿的占有别人的劳动果实并连一句礼貌的语言都没有呢?
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