执着的英文怎么写啊。。 执着地英语


“执着”的英文翻译是什么? Persistent

执着的英文怎么写啊。。 执着地英语

英语翻译 They were pursuing their life goals with extraordinary perseverance,fearless of the numerous obstacles during the course.Even in the situation when all efforts seemed to have failed,they were willing to gather whatever was left and gave it their final try.All this tells us that,without ideals,we will be like lost lambs who do not know which path to follow.Ideals are not only the lighthouse of our life but also the destination our life is sailing toward.As a youth in the new age,we must have our own goals to work for,as well as strong willpower,enterprising spirit and never-wavering faith to work with.We shall not give up our ideals simply becuase of the halfway failure.Only when we have our ideals as the guiding light,can we avoid losing direction on our life's way forward.

执着的英文怎么写啊。。 执着地英语

执着英语怎样说?要根据上下文来说的,比如:执着的观众,a delighted audience,执着捉将自身情感投入某一事物 The at?

执着的英文怎么写啊。。 执着地英语

执着用英语怎么说 执着英语可以翻译成:2113ideologism,clinging、tenaciously、unrelenting、persistent。1、ideologism英5261[a?d?'?l?d??z?m]美[?a?d?'?l?d??z?m]n.过分执着于某种意识形4102态,墨守1653陈规。例句:Keeping ideologism and relying on those old experiences is far beyond adequate in such asevere competition。如果墨守成规,靠过去的一些老经验在如此激烈的竞争中站稳脚跟已经很不现实。2、clinging英[?kl????]美[?kl????]adj.执着的,有黏性的,紧靠着的,紧贴着的。v.附着于(cling的现在分词),抓紧或抱住,坚持,依恋,依附于。例句:They're clinging to the past。他们对过去念念不忘。3、tenaciously英[t?'ne???sl?]美[t?'ne???sl?]坚持地。例句:Though seriously ill,he still clings tenaciously to life。他虽病得很重,但仍顽强地活下去。4、unrelenting英[??nr??lent??]美[??nr??l?nt??]adj.无情的,不屈不挠的,不松懈的。例句:She established her authority with unrelenting thoroughness。她坚定地树立起自己绝对的权威。5、persistent英[p??s?st?nt]美[p?r?s?st?。


