惊喜在等待着你的英文怎么写 我等着你英文怎么说


当你点击“发送”,当你开始等待对方的回信,当你惊喜的收到回复,这些都是令人喜悦的事情 Pressing the“send”button,waiting for the suprising at the recieved,all htese are exciting things.你等着。用用英语怎么说,就是那种特别生气的说. You better watch out。这句其实有些过于温和了.有听过圣诞歌santa Claus is Coming To Town嘛.第一句就是这个大部分时间用下面这三句比较多.Let's wait and see。让我们等着瞧Just you wait。你就等着吧。You wait。你等.英语翻译 1.那年秋天,他家发生了一件不幸的事.(happen to)An unfortunate thing happened to his home at last fall.2.有许多工作仍然等待着要做.(remain)There are still so many thing remaining to be done.3.你们是不是每天早晨听当地的天气预报?(forecast)Do you listen to the local weather forecast every morning?4.夜间请务必将所有的灯关掉.(sure)Please make sure that all the lights are turned off at night.5.他点头示意我应坐的地方.(indicate)He nodded to indicate where I should sit.6.他以20万美元买了那块地.(purchase)He purchased that land in two thousand.US dollars.7.我早上在车站看见了吉姆.(glimpse)I glimpsed Jim at bus station this morning.8.按照要求,我们应先出示车票,再上火车.(require)As required,we should show tickets first and then get on the train.9.他和家人失去联系已经三年了.(touch)He has lost touch with his family three years.10.你回到家时会有一个惊喜等着你.(store)A surprising is stored for you when you reach home.翻得不算完美,见谅.我等着你英文怎么说 i am waiting for you.等下我会给你一个大大的惊喜、这句话用英文怎么翻译? I will give you a big superise after a few minutes later。等着你英文怎么写 I'm waiting for you。说明 你正在等,用进行时态。《精》《锐》环东


