图书管理系统 外文翻译 ”图书光盘管理系统”翻译成英文


基于ASP图书管理系统怎么翻译成英文 基于ASP图书管理系统ASP-based Library Management System100%正确!可以放心使用!

网上图书销售系统英文翻译!急求! Along with the development of electronic commerce,based on the network marketing system and,increasingly accepted gradually becomes the important national business development strategy based on the precondition of choice,and online sales system came into being.This design is an online sales system,it is the original book sales system,can greatly improve management,and cost savings and service quality.This system to construct a book sales by JAVA ecommerce,use the Internet for the growing prosperity of traditional bookstore,build a new sales platform,this system by means of electronic information to the library management to the bookstore,with sales of control,in order to achieve cost reduction,human and equipment to improve service quality and sales.Development environment,use the Eclipse hibernate integration,JSP are+design interface development adopts B/S structure,combined with the related knowledge database of realizing database to store data.The graduation design 。

\ Books Management SystemorLibrary Management System

基于ASP图书管理系统 翻译成英文 麻烦英语牛人 基于ASP图书管理系统ASP-based Library Management System100%正确。可以放心使用。

英语翻译 (Public)Library Management System其实,图书馆的管理系统,就包括借阅的,不过没听到过这个lending management system这样的说法如果这个系统只是图书借阅,应该可以按照二楼的说法Library Lending Management System.

论文题目是\ 图书管理系统的设计与实现\"_有道翻译翻译结果:Books management system management system design and implementation ofimplementation_有道词典implementation英[?mpl?men'te??(?)n]美[,implimen'tei??n]n.[计]实现;履行;安装启用implementation 实施,实现,执行Implementation View 实现视图,实施视图,实作观点base implementation 基实现

