雅典卫城或奥林匹亚遗址 古希腊遗址的传说故事


雅典卫城中最负盛名的建筑,供奉雅典城邦的守护神雅典娜的建筑是( ) A.伊瑞克提。 C?

雅典卫城或奥林匹亚遗址 古希腊遗址的传说故事

雅典卫城、奥林匹亚宙斯神庙、古罗马市场遗址的英文 AcropolisThe Acropolis of Athens,a hill c.260 ft(80 m)high,with a flat oval top c.500 ft(150 m)wide and 1,150 ft(350 m)long,was a ceremonial site beginning in the Neolithic Period and was walled before the 6th cent.B.C.by the Pelasgians.Devoted to religious rather than defensive purposes,the area was adorned during the time of Cimon and Pericles with some of the world's greatest architectural and sculptural monuments.The top was reached by a winding processional path at the west end,where the impressive Propylaea(see under propylaeum)stood.From there,the Sacred Way led past a colossal bronze statue of Athena(called Athena Promachus)and the site of the old temple of Athena to the Parthenon.To the north was the Erechtheum and to the southwest the temple of Nike Apteros(Wingless Victory).On the southern slope were the Odeum of Herodes Atticus and the theater of Dionysus.Although the Acropolis was laid waste by the Persians in 480 B.C.and was later further damaged by the Turks and 。

雅典卫城或奥林匹亚遗址 古希腊遗址的传说故事

希腊神话的主要遗址有哪些呢? 第一雅典宙斯的居所 宙斯神殿 希腊最重要的历史古城,素以欧洲文明的摇篮、丰富的历史遗迹而著称。每年有600万~700万世界各地的游客前来观光或度假。雅典建城至今已经有了。

雅典卫城或奥林匹亚遗址 古希腊遗址的传说故事

古希腊遗址的传说故事 3、古城迈锡尼绝世美女海伦引发的人神交战 希腊神话里流传了两千年的传说之城迈锡尼,19世纪才在伯罗奔尼撒半岛重见天日,这座千年古城,在十年战争中扮演人神会战的关键角色。

雅典的奥林匹亚宙斯神殿是个什么样的景点? 奥林匹亚宙斯神殿位于奥林匹亚体育场和卫城之间的一片废墟之上,是古希腊最大的神庙之一。在2500多年前,古希腊人民为感谢宇宙主神宙斯的庇护,按照伊奥尼亚风格开始修建。


