愛麗絲臺詞 爱丽丝梦游仙境台词


爱丽丝 疯帽子 台词 乌鸦为什么像写字台,这一句话其实电影并没有完全表达清楚,这句话是在爱丽丝第一次来到仙境时,非常喜欢疯帽子,而疯帽子也很喜欢爱丽丝,当小爱丽丝有一天对疯帽子说:“我喜欢你”时,疯帽子惊喜的问她为什么,爱丽丝说,因为乌鸦像写字台,疯帽子又问乌鸦为什么像写字台,爱丽丝说,因为我喜欢你。意思就是,爱丽丝喜欢疯帽子根本没有理由,而新上映的这部电影,之所以疯帽子一直提到它,就是想让爱丽丝想起原来的事情,同时,也是他一直在跟爱丽丝说,我也喜欢你。爱丽丝梦游仙境台词 On the third spot is quite an oddquestion by the Mad Hatter。Alice is at the March Hare\"s house and the Mad Hatter is there with Dormouse as well.They are 。《爱丽丝梦游仙境2》中有哪些台词让你印象深刻? 最好是中、英文对照的台词 1.不要说不可能,任何事都是可能的。2.有时候我会在早餐前想六件不可能的事。3.My Alice would believe me. 4.每个人到最后都会舍弃一切。。爱丽丝梦游仙境10句经典语录 《爱丽丝梦游仙2113境》名言第十位:在渡渡鸟严肃5261地提议休会以便4102立即采取更有效1653的补救措施来把大家弄干之后,小鹰说:“请说英国话!这些个词儿都挺长,我连一般都没听懂,而且我相信你自己也听不懂。Number 10 spot is given to Eaglet:Alice and many animals and birds along with a Duck,Dodo,Lory and Eaglet swam from a lake that was actually a pool of Alice's tears.While at the shore they were discussing how to get dry.Dodo was talking in business terms about adjourning the meeting and adopting energetic remedies.To this Eaglet called out this quoted sentence:Speak I don't know the meaning of half those long words,and I don't believe you do either。Eaglet《爱丽丝梦游仙境》名言第九位:爱丽丝在法庭上和红心女王争论应该先裁决还是先审判的时候发觉自己恢复到了正常大小,于是就叫了起来:“你不过是一堆扑克牌而已!Number 9 is a quote from Alice herself。This takes place during the court scene.Alice argues with the Queen of Hearts about the order of a verdict and a sentence,。爱丽丝梦游仙境经典台词中英对照 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice in Wonderland)是2113迪士尼的一部3D立体电影,其5261灵感来自于英国童话大师4102刘易斯1653·卡罗尔的《爱丽斯漫游仙境》和《爱丽丝镜中奇遇记》。由蒂姆·波顿执导,米娅·华希科沃斯卡、约翰尼·德普、海伦娜·邦汉·卡特和安妮·海瑟薇等联袂出演。《爱丽丝梦游仙境》影片讲述了发生在爱丽丝上次梦游仙境的十三年后的故事,已经19岁的爱丽丝去一个庄园参加一个聚会,爱丽丝选择了逃跑,她跟着一只白兔钻进了一个洞,再次来到“仙境”。影片获得第83届奥斯卡金像奖最佳服装设计奖、最佳艺术指导奖。爱丽丝梦游仙境经典台词:1.请说英国话。这些词儿都挺长,我连一般都没听懂,而且我信任你本身也听不懂。Speak I do not know the meaning of half those long words,and I don\"t believe you do either。2.“凡事都有寓意,只要你肯去找。Everything\"s got a moral,if only you can find it.\"-The Duchess爱丽丝梦游仙境已经19岁的爱丽丝受困于维多利亚时代上流社会妇女们的浅见,于是跟着兔子一起跌进兔子洞,爱丽丝又一次遇到了童年的朋友们,直到“地下世界”对她并十分不友善的居民请求她保卫奇幻家园,爱丽丝的挑战来了。爱丽丝漫游奇境有哪些经典的台词? 1,It's no use going back to yesterday,because I was a different person then.回到昨天毫无用处,因为过去的我和今天有所不同。2,'Would you tell me,please,which way I ought to go from here?''That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,' said the Cat.'I don't much care where.' said Alice.'Then it doesn't matter which way you go,' said the Cat.我应该走哪一条路?你想到哪里去?我不知道。那你怎么走都是一样。3,heshire Cat:When the day becomes the night and the sky becomes the sea,When the clock strikes heavy and there's no time for tea.And in our darkest hour,before my final rhyme,she will come back home to Wonderland and turn back the hands of time.柴郡猫:当白天变为夜晚,当沧海变为桑田,当沉重的钟声敲响,当我们再也无暇品茶。在我们最黑暗的时刻,在最终乐章奏响之前,她会回到仙境,扭转时间之手。《爱丽丝梦游仙境2》4,.我一直以为时间是个小偷,偷走了一切我爱的。但我错了,时间不是敌人,它总是先给予再拿走,没有亏欠过我。每一天,每一分每一秒都是馈赠。电影《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice in 。爱丽丝漫游奇境有哪些经典的台词? 1\"We\"re all mad here.\"-Cheshire Cat 来自赫赫著名的柴郡猫:“我们全都疯了.”2\"Curiouser and curiouser.\"-Alice 来自爱丽丝吃了蛋糕之后开端疯长,她赞叹道:“越奇越怪,越奇越怪.3\"Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end:then stop.\"-The King 来自疯头巾先生以及三月兔在疯茶会上的这个谜儿也称得上是令人难忘:“为何乌鸦像桌子?答案是…他也不懂得答案是啥.4\"Off with her head。Queen of Hearts 来自残暴的红心女国王,那句反反复复八面威风的:“剁失她的脑袋。5\"Oh my ears and whiskers,how late it\"s getting。White Rabbit 爱丽丝跟随白兔进了兔子洞,然后觉察这是一条长长的走廊,她闻声白兔说:“我要命的听觉跟胡子啊,我要来晚了。6\"Well,I never heard it before,but it sounds uncommon nonsense.\"-The Mock Turtle 假海龟就说:“哦,我以前闻所未闻这首诗,可是听上去全数一胡说八道.”7\"Everything\"s got a moral,if only you can find it.\"-The Duchess 公爵夫人在努力回想起只想不说的寓意是什么,爱丽丝觉着这事儿没啥寓意,公爵夫人答复说:“凡事都有寓意,只要你肯去找.”求神的记事本爱丽丝的经典台词 神的记事本 爱丽丝的资料·我不是普通的侦探,是尼特族侦探。搜寻全世界,找出死者的话语。我们不会嘲笑自己。就像蚯蚓不畏惧黑暗,企鹅不会因为自己不会飞翔而感到羞耻。。2010爱丽丝梦游仙境台词 爱丽丝:可以让我回家吗(手拿加勃沃奇的血)Alice:may I go home,please(with gabe worthy's blood in my hand)白皇后:如果你想的话White queen:if you want疯帽子:其实你可以留下Mad hatter:you can stay爱丽丝(微笑):这是一个好主意,一个好的不能再好的主意Alice(smiling):that's a good idea爱丽丝又说:不过不行,我的家人还有好多问题等我回答but I can't,Alice went on.'I've got a great many questions for my family to answer爱丽丝:不过我还会回来的,我会永远记住你Alice:but I'll be back.I'll always remember you疯帽子:不,你不会再回来了,你会忘了我的Mad hatter:no,you're not coming back.You'll forget me爱丽丝:不会的Alice:no扩展资料:《爱丽丝梦游仙境》角色介绍:1、爱丽丝·金斯利演员 米娅·华希科沃斯卡已经19岁的爱丽丝受困于维多利亚时代上流社会妇女们的浅见,于是跟着兔子一起跌进兔子洞,爱丽丝又一次遇到了童年的朋友们,直到“地下世界”对她并十分不友善的居民请求她保卫奇幻家园,爱丽丝的挑战来了。2、疯帽子演员 约翰尼·德普急性子的“疯帽子”不断变换的情绪忠实地反应在他的脸上和着装。求爱丽丝漫游奇境的台词 简直是一句话的废话连篇。国王就命令道:“从开头开始接下去接着来到最后就停。At number 4 is a quote from the King of Hearts.This happens at the hearing in court while the King asks the White Rabbit to read a set of verses in a letter,written by the prisoner to somebody.The White Rabbit does not know where to begin,他让白兔读信,白兔不知道从哪里开始红心国王这句台词可谓相当纠结;Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end


