你说这字我没有办法接的英文翻译 英语翻译


英语翻译 Dear Pig:I wish you a happy birthday.Your birthday this year,I can not stay on your side too,and I'm sorry.I really miss you,miss all of a sudden you will be able to fly around all the time with you,w.

你说这字我没有办法接的英文翻译 英语翻译

英语翻译 都不对啊obey是听从的意思 i'm obeyed you文法错了如果你一定要用obey,那可以说I have decided to obey you.(我决定听从你)或 I will obey you(我会听从你)如果你是用在爱情方面,obey 这个字台别扭了.可以说 You have conquered me.(你征服了我)或 You have conquered my heart.(你征服了我的心)我被你征服了 直接翻译是 I am conquered by you.只是我觉得有点别扭.

你说这字我没有办法接的英文翻译 英语翻译

英语求翻译.如果你非要这么说的话我也没办法 这句话怎么翻译啊? 这么翻译,不是用翻译器滴哦:If you insist on stating it this way,I can't do anything about it.

你说这字我没有办法接的英文翻译 英语翻译


英语翻译 你要等我,不要走好不好.You are gonna wait me and do not leave,okay?我不喜欢他,可是,没有办法的啊.I don't like him,however,I have no choice.宝贝我好想你,你说过等我的.Baby,I miss you so much,you said you would wait for me.可不可以不选.If only I could get rid of this choice.我好想你.I miss you so much…按楼主的意思,就这样了,不过5楼的写得真的很好,很强大

英语翻译 1 Starting from next week,I will no longer go to school and stay at home.2 That's why I wasn't able to attend your class.3 I wll go to Hangzhou to learn the week after next.4 May I ask whether you will return to the USA or go to another country when/after your visa is expired?5 Very long ago when you didn't know who I was,I asked you how long you would stay here,and you said your visa had one-year validity.

“我对你没有办法”这句话用英语怎么翻译? 我从英语翻译过来是这样的(一个单词一个单词的意思的组合)那句英语里面好像有idea,with,you我只记得这…

英语求翻译。如果你非要这么说的话我也没办法 这句话怎么翻译啊? 这么翻译,不是用翻译器滴哦:If you insist on stating it this way,I can't do anything about it.


