英语翻译 没有心情的英文翻译


「没心情」英文怎么说 没心情Not in the mood我只是没心情搞这玩意儿。I am just not in the mood for this.她也说了你没心情见任何朋友。She also said you're not in the mood to see any friends.

英语翻译 没有心情的英文翻译


英语翻译 没有心情的英文翻译

英语翻译 No matter what ways to tell her this news all right,if her sentiment steady.这个电话经常无人接听,现在你的下一位也是经常没人接听了.我刚才和三个朋友一起在车里.这个司机很安静,而我们不是.因此他不能听到任何人的手机响.我们四个伙伴驰骋在公路上,不能和别人讲是因为一个小的艺术设计就可以使我们更容易沟通.3.这些是一个优秀老板应该做的.他们把工作经验充分体现在他们的日常工作中了.

英语翻译 没有心情的英文翻译

英语翻译 I'm not in the mood for.(e.g.reading a book,playing outside,joking with you/anybody etc.)be in the mood:to feel like doing or having something;e.g.I'm not really in the mood for shopping.希望可以帮.

英语翻译 Sorry,it won't happen again.I don't have the mood to eat today.Shall we cancel the dinner,ok?I will come to your home to make an apology next day.

英语翻译 Sunflower Tribe:1.Good at finding small pleasures2.No wild ambition3.Resistance to negative emotions4.Appropriately lowering living standard5.Choosing career according to interests6.Resistance to pressure and adversity7.Real-time de-stressing8.Attitude of gratitude9.Balanced lifestyle/Good work-life balance10.Ready to give praises11.Sunny personality with passion for life12.Good at selective forgetting13.Ability to laugh at oneself14.Appreciate little moral victory(这型是很中国的,没有好的翻译)15.Have hobbies outside of work time16.Habitual smile17.Rich personal characters and experiences18.Ready to discover the positive sides of everything

英文翻译\ no feeling,not in the mood 比较好

