求牛津大学的介绍(用英文) 牛津大学划船


在牛津大学 (University of Oxford) 就读是怎样的体验?

求牛津大学的介绍(用英文) 牛津大学划船

牛津好还是剑桥好? 外语类学生 外语类学生 敢在知乎问这个问题的人不简单啊。是学霸无疑了。牛剑是很多同学的dream school,我身边几位去过牛津剑桥游学过的孩子,去了之后爱的不行,嚷着要去。

求牛津大学的介绍(用英文) 牛津大学划船


求牛津大学的介绍(用英文) 牛津大学划船

求牛津大学的介绍(用英文) About Oxford UniversityOxford is the oldest university in the speaking world and lays claim to nine centuries of continuous existence.As an internationally renowned centre for teaching and research,Oxford attracts students and scholars from across the globe,with almost a quarter of our students from overseas.More than 130 nationalities are represented among a student population of over 18,000.Oxford is a collegiate university,with 39 self-governing colleges related to the University in a type of federal system.There are also seven Permanent Private Halls,founded by different Christian denominations.Thirty colleges and all halls admit students for both undergraduate and graduate degrees.Seven other colleges are for graduates only;one has Fellows only,and one specializes in part-time and continuing education.Oxford University is a member of the Russell Group of 19 research-intensive universities.


