无锡太湖鼋头渚介绍 介绍无锡鼋头渚英文


无锡鼋头渚英语导游词 Herons at Yuantouzhu Jiangsu Wuxi Taihu guide words江苏?锡太湖鼋?渚导游词You visitors:Now to the tour is\"the first famous Taihu Lake,\"said the Herons at Yuantouzhu.?距?锡市区18公?锡境内太湖西北岸?半岛?巨石突入湖?状?浮重翘首?名?Green Herons at Yuantouzhu is the best attractions in Wuxi,a famous writer Guo Moruo had\"absolutely excellent Taihu,after all,the first in the province,\"the poem praise and described a heavy first-timers wistful mood.Tourists:Herons at Yuantouzhu to the way,let me first to introduce them Taihu.【Taihu Overview-folklore-causes and natural resources-Taihu located in the Yangtze River Delta,the Trans-Jiangsu,Zhejiang provinces,is China's third largest freshwater lake,lake area of 2427.8 square kilometers,excluding the middle of the lake 51 islands,the actual area of lakes 2338.L square kilometers,is known as\"the 36,000 hectare\",68 km long from north to south,with an elevation of three meters,with an average depth of about two meters.Lake and Lake in the 。

无锡太湖鼋头渚介绍 介绍无锡鼋头渚英文

无锡鼋头渚广福寺的介绍 无锡鼋头渚广福寺位于太湖鼋头渚风景区内,是无锡最早对外开放的寺庙,在“鼋渚春涛”和“万浪卷雪”的交界处,倚山面湖,坐北朝南。南朝萧梁时,鼋头渚后山建有 广福庵,一名峭岩寺,古寺高林,履有废兴。

无锡太湖鼋头渚介绍 介绍无锡鼋头渚英文

无锡太湖鼋头渚介绍 无锡太湖龙头渚自然风景区位于无锡马山太湖国家旅游度假区最南端,面对万顷太湖,背靠灵山大佛,得天地之灵气,沐大佛之恩泽。龙头渚由大储山蜿蜒伸入太湖中腹,形成半岛,。

无锡太湖鼋头渚介绍 介绍无锡鼋头渚英文

无锡鼋头渚旅游介绍 来无锡必选的旅游胜地就是鼋头渚啦,风景秀丽,还可以乘坐轮船观赏海鸥翱翔在湖面上,还有樱花时节,樱花谷里满是樱花,非常的漂亮。进入园区大门处,有免费的大巴可以带你。



