英语翻译:她回来了,你已经不需要我了 这句中文有逻辑错误正确的逻辑关系是:既然她回来了,你不在需要我了,而不是已经Now that she's come back,you won't need me any
英语翻译 After BK came back,he killed all the first nations the killed YH,because of his anger.He is not concerned anymore.BK entered the forest,his clever,power,and sensitivity.That made him the chief of the wolf pack without any doubt.At last Bk settled in the forest,is just that every summer,he would go to the lake that SD died,and stay there for long,thinking of his master,and mark the days that he ran on the snow.P.S.名字自己找吧。我用 BK,YH,SD 代替了
“我回来了”用英文怎么说? Dad,I′m back. I'm come back 0 you are so late 0 Dad,I'm back. 0 Dad,I'm back. 我回来了: 1.I'm back 郁郁不得志的乔丹日渐意识到自己是多么怀念篮球,棒球联盟的停摆。