英语翻译 喜欢你的人很多,不多我一个,更不缺我一个So many people love you.I am the one,however,not the indispensable one.我喜欢的人很少,除了你,再也找不到另一个I love few,except you,no one else.我会喜欢你一辈子I will love you all life long.不是你的一辈子,而是…我的一辈子not yours,but mine.如有疑问欢迎追问。
英语翻译 1 better for me2 and interested in3 the difficult4 better and better
萨特“他人就是我,他人就是另一个我,他人就是那个不是我的我,他人就是我所不是的人.”这句话出自哪里? 出自萨特的剧本《禁闭》,宣扬了“他人即地狱”的思想。你可以看《萨特戏剧集》(两册),袁树仁译,人民文学出版社1985年版。不好意思,原文我没有读过,第几页我不知道,电子书也没找到,你到图书馆去看看吧。萨特的英文介绍:http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1964/sartre-bio.html
这篇作文多少字? 458个字.你可以将文章黏贴至word,通过字数统计就可以看到了.
英语翻译 A month ago,when I entered high school door,I suddenly found that some of the important things have happened unconsciously.I said goodbye to all sorts of immature,enter another important phase of life,and will face difficulties and setbacks-fiery youth arrived.What is the real youth?Everyone has different interpretations,but the only certainty is that it is the life of the most beautiful and most worth fighting for some time.Numerous fruits of success in the future is at this time planting and cultivation.But what is life president of the land out of brilliant flowers,or flower seeds in the grave would be,the result is how he act.补充的:Let youth do not stay sad regret for years to come to life,no longer need extraordinary
萨特是否说过或写过“他人就是我,他人就是另一个我,他人就是那个不是我的我,他人就是我所不是的人.”? 最早听到这句话是在喜马拉雅上听复旦大学陈果老师的讲座的内容,我好久也没找到这句话的出处,都是在…
英语翻译 1.Mr Wang Ming,whom you saw in the theatre yesterday,is my brother-in-law.2.The woman who lost her husband and son in the war had to move to another city.3.The valley in which the town are located has.
英语翻译 为你翻成完全正确的英文.请好好念,确保发音正确,然后再背下来,保证你成功:I want to introduce to you my home.It's a small castle full of joys.Once you enter this door,you'll find another world.This is what meets your eyes first.Isn't it miraculous?While this photo is about winter,here it is already full of spring.You can see the trees outside don't have leaves,but here it's a refreshing green.I don't know what species these two fish are.Though they are not beautiful,they are lovely.Next is my bedroom.Your feeling is that it's a mess。There are simply too many odds and ends.Above my bed's headboard is a poster of a handsome boy-just to keep me awake。The most I have in my bedroom are toys or figurines-all sorts of monkeys,kitties,Big Mouth,the funny Koala Bear,and so on.In the bedroom also hangs a photo of me when I was younger.What you saw above is my home-a warm and cozy house.Although it's not luxurious or beautiful,it is the warmest place for my heart,a home for my love and the 。