英语短语在食物链的顶端 关于食物链的词语或短语


大一怎么过六级英语? 果然是生活在食物链顶端的人,我的学弟学妹们天天在群里吵着大一怎么过英语四级,结果你都已经打算考英语…

英语短语在食物链的顶端 关于食物链的词语或短语

英语食物链 rice→locust→frog→snake→hawk水稻→蝗虫→青蛙→蛇→鹰自然界的食物链不可能很长,一般营养级不会超过5、6级,否则能量传递效率太低。

英语短语在食物链的顶端 关于食物链的词语或短语

食物链的英语翻译 食物链用英语怎么说 食物链英文翻译food chain;food cycle;

英语短语在食物链的顶端 关于食物链的词语或短语

重点短语归纳1.be harmful to 2.at the top of 3.food chain 4.take part in 5.turn off

一个巨难解释的英语句子-----------不是高手勿进 意思就是“仁慈的鲨鱼和鳄鱼不以龙鱼为食”中间的破折号其实就是shark-free and crocodile-free这个词是作者自己创造出来的,但是作为读者我们根据上下文就是知道这个短语的意思了。其实就是龙鱼站在了食物链的顶端了,所以作者拟人的描述了仁慈的鳄鱼和鲨鱼不再去捕食龙鱼了。

用英语名词描述食物链 Every living thing needs energy in order to live.Everytime animals do something(run,jump)they use energy to do so.Animals get energy from the food they eat,and all living things get energy from food.Plants use sunlight,water and nutrients to get energy(in a process called photosynthesis).Energy is necessary for living beings to grow.A food chain shows how each living thing gets food,and how nutrients and energy are passed from creature to creature.Food chains begin with plant-life,and end with animal-life.Some animals eat plants,some animals eat other animals.A simple food chain could start with grass,which is eaten by rabbits.Then the rabbits are eaten by foxes.

关于食物链的词语或短语 大鱼吃小鱼,小鱼吃虾米。弱肉强食物竞天择

I.英汉互译,了解本课重点短语 1.1.take part in 2.turn off 3.pay for 4.the food chain


