为什么喜欢参观大城市 为什么现在的人都喜欢住在大城市而不是住在小城镇?


你最喜欢的中国的五个城市是?为什么喜欢? 可以只说名字,也可以谈谈为什么,我想看看中国当代年轻人对于未来最想要去的城市有个简单的了解,谢谢各…

为什么喜欢参观大城市 为什么现在的人都喜欢住在大城市而不是住在小城镇?

年轻人为什么要去大城市? 年青人喜欢接受新的东西,特别是大城市里让你感受人与人的竞争和拼搏。人的素养也不一样。

为什么喜欢参观大城市 为什么现在的人都喜欢住在大城市而不是住在小城镇?

为什么很多人喜欢住在大城市,英语作文,讲一下住在大城市的好处就可以了 well,as we all know,the traffic in big city is much convenience,wo can go outdoor by car,by underground,by double-decker and so on,also,the big city is always moderner than the villages we can have ways to relax and enjoy ourself,we can go to the bar even at midnight,the big city will never sleep in the evening~.实在是偷懒了,不想写的说.喵呜~只能到这份上啦.抱歉抱歉哈~

为什么喜欢参观大城市 为什么现在的人都喜欢住在大城市而不是住在小城镇?

为什么年轻人更喜欢在大城市待着 大城市发展快,各方面体制机制健全,适合年轻人的发展,各行各业能都根据自己的特长和专业找个前景不错的工作,能够实现自己的价值。生活条件便利,各种商品都相对来说更加齐全,能满足年轻人的生活需要。

在假期中,几乎每个人都参观过自己喜欢的地方。现在请你以导游的身份向你的游客介绍一下他们即将参观的城市。不少于100词。提示:1. 要参观的城市名; One possible version:Ladies and gentlemen I'm your guide today.We are going to visit Guilin.First I'd like to tell you something about Guilin before we arrive.Guilin is in the north of Guangxi.The population of the city is six hundred thousand.Guilin is famous for its beautiful scenery in the world.The hills are green and the water is clear.The environment here is clean and tidy.Every year a lot of tourists come to visit it.You can see the scenes of the Li River by boat.You can also see the scenic spots in the city on free buses.I hope you will enjoy yourselves in Guilin.

你喜欢旅游吗?是大城市还是小城市,为什么?根据要求,写一篇英语作文(带翻译). Big city or small town?I grew up in a small town and then moved to a big city,so I have experienced the good and bad sides of both.I never thought that I would like living in a big city,but I was wrong.After ten years of living in one,I can't imagine ever living in a small town again.Small towns and big cities both have some problems in terms of transportation.In a small town,you have to own a car to ensure a comfortable living.You can't get around without one because there isn't any kind of public transportation.Big cities generally have heavy traffic and expensive parking,but there you have a choice of taking public transportation.It's not free,but it's often cheaper than driving when you consider gas and time.Especially if you don't have a car,you're better off in the city.I love the excitement of big cities.Small towns have a slow pace.Large cities mean you have to adapt to a variety of situations,like finding a new route to work or trying a new restaurant.I enjoy that 。

为什么有些人越来越不喜欢去景区旅游了? 个人认为有以下几方面的原因:一、俗话说“看景不如听景,”广告宣传夸大其词,真正去观赏游览了,不是那么回事。比如,宣传视频和图片上,有山有水有瀑布,但实际上是山谷里的河是干涸的,瀑布是一丝也没有,水是有一潭死水。表里不一、真真假假,让游人心里很不舒服,大老远慕名而来,化费了车费,门票费,更重要的浪费了宝贵的时间。另一方面是票价不透明,误导游客,比如宣传页上明明写着全景票价若干元,但去了后,一个景点一收费,不然你就进不去,让人有一种被愚弄的感觉。二是,部分景区,服务不到位,配套设施不健全,比如景区没有餐馆等。三是景点票价太高。资源是国家的,有些是老祖宗留下的,所以应该很好的整合,合理收费,以达到资源共享的目的。不知国外旅游景点,文化古迹门票收费怎样,就是感觉我国门票收费虚高。四是景区管理不善,特别是节假日,景区人山人海,人挤人的情况下,道路拥堵,行动不便,累了一天,该看的风景没看到,感觉出钱买累,很不痛快。凡此种种,人们会不太喜欢去景区旅游了,喜欢自驾自由出行,去饱览祖国的山川河流、自然景观。


