《礼仪与形体》用英语怎么说? Etiquette and physique
\ 少儿形体训练Children's physical training
大学课程需要翻译成英文,正式一些,要出国用。跪求 感激 仅供参考:教师书写艺术 Composition Techniques for Teachers思想道德修养与法律基础 Moral and Ideological Cultivation and Fundemental Laws中国音乐史与名作赏析 Chinese Musical History and Work of Arts Appreciation形体训练与舞蹈编导基础 Body Shape and Fundemental Choreography教师语言艺术 Language Techiques for Teachers红楼梦研究 Research on The Red Mansion Dream周易文化讲读 Lectures on the Book of Changes多声部分析与写作 Analyzing and Composing with multi voice part大学生KAB创业基础 KAB Enterpreneurship Basics for Undergraduate Students班主任工作实务 General Practices of Class Head Teacher情商心理学 Psychology&EQ学校音乐教材导论与教材教法 Guiding Theory for Musical Teaching Material and Teaching Methods流行音乐伴奏 Pop Music Accompaniment中国音乐学概论 Summary of Chinese Musical Studies
《礼仪与形体》用英语怎么说 《礼仪与形体》Etiquette and form
请问“形体矫正训练”翻译成英文应该怎么说? Body-shapping correct training1、Body-shapping correct is to correct disgraceful figure and posture,such as hunchback.2、form形式,形态一般用来指事物figure指人的体型、身材,更侧重身材比例body shape体型、身形,着重人的胖瘦、形体因为是要矫正形体,所以选body shape比较合适根据你的补充那就更应该选择body shape了
\ 形体训练 Form Training
形体课用英语怎么说? Physical Education
英语怎么翻译这些呢:艺术形体(一门课名),人事劳动社会保障局,计算机等级考试二级动漫技术 英语怎么翻 personnel Labor social security bureauComputer rank examination animation technology