你坐飞机最久花了多长时间?是哪里飞哪里? 最久是差不多8小时吧,那是上午10点钟济南遥墙机场到云南昆明的飞机,票是济南到昆明,但中间中转四川成都,又从成都飞昆明长水机场。到晚上六点才到!最长的了!
10句中翻英句子。 1.In general,to those who have limited time to travel,plane is the first choice.2.During the peak time of traffic when people go to or return from work,many people still want to get on the subway which is already filled up.3.Because of her words,I determined to improve my in a short time.4.Her success depended on her hard work and her friends' help.5.Only for those who aren't afraid of sorrow,the achievements resulted from hard work are available.6.Please be gentle when approaching the baby,because he's soundly asleep.7.The fire fighters' truck speeded by the streets and toward the house on fire.8.The you learn,the ignorant you feel you are.9.The roads connected to Renmin Square extends to all directions.10.When we eventually reached the top of the mountain,the beautiful scenery of the whole city comes into view.
纸飞机的简笔画要怎么画? ?2020Baidu 使用前必读 经验协议 作者创作作品协议 京ICP证030173号-1 京网文【2013】0934-983号 顶部 新浪 微博 QQ 空间 腾讯 9
为什么无花果只结果不会花呢? 无花果是桑科无花果属的落叶果树,在我国的新疆南部、山东、河北、北京各地都有栽培。它原产于西南亚的沙特阿拉伯、也门等地,全世界栽培无花果的品种有一千多个。br。
国航载国旗飞行是什么意思?飞机表面画有国旗还是什么呀? 把英语原文发上来吧。中文的所谓“载旗飞行”就是指飞机机身上喷绘了一国国旗。过去,中国的三大航(中国东方航空、中国南方航空和中国国际航空)都可以载旗飞行。。
谁有手机拍摄的花花发上来? 人生犹如白驹过隙…