
我们买了许多东西用英语怎么说 We have bought many things. 我们可以选择我们喜欢的东西用英文怎么说 We can choose the things we like. 我们很急着需要这些东西的英文怎么说 We urgently need these goods and your kind help will be highly appreciated. (改了下“goods”这个用词,作为东西或货品的话感觉比较正规些! 我们必须收拾好我们的东西 用英语怎么说 We must tidy up our own things. We must tidy our own things up. 我们的东西什么时候能做好用英语怎么说 一楼的那个砖家的答案不敢恭维,疑问句应该用疑问语序才对 When will our things be finished?希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O “它们告诉我们许多我们不知道的东西”这句话用英语怎么说? They tell us a lot that we don't know 我们买了许多东西用英语怎么说 We have bought many things. 我们在这里吃了很多好吃的东西英文怎么说? We ate a lot of dilicious food here. 口语化一点可以说 We ate a lot of yummy food here. 我们去买东西,用英语怎么说? 如果是正要去做的事 1)We are going shopping. 2)We are going to buy some things. 如果是已经做的事 1)We had gone shopping 2)We had gong to buy some things. 这个东西让我们很不方便 用英语怎么说 It is very Inconvenient to/for us. It is not very convenient to/for us. We have/get no access to it. It is not accessible to us.


