英语翻译有这样一段话:A先生患的是感冒B先生患的是肝炎C先生患的是关节炎这段话用口语的方式应该怎么表述?非常抱歉是我自己没写清楚!这三个人是同一段话里面的ABC三个人可以认为是张先生李先生和王先生同时去医院看病医生同时向他们三个通知病情这时候应该怎么说? 李先生腿受重伤,被送进了医院用英语怎么翻译 whose legs were badly injuried英语翻译 The students do morning exercise at 6 in the morning.Mr.Wang will go to the cinema on Saturday even帮用英文写一篇80字的小短文 Mr li doesn't feel well this morning,so he decided to go to see a doctor.The doctor looked him over carefully and said nothing serious.The doctor told him to do the following things:stop smoking and d.英语里的李先生怎么说? 英语里的李先生 Mr.Li,Mr.加姓帮用英文写一篇80字的小短文 Mr li doesn't feel well this morning,so he decided to go to see a doctor.The doctor looked him over英语翻译 Mr lee this morning,to see a doctor,the doctor told him to stop smoking and drinking and get exercise and rest,he felt much better,and determined in accordance with the doctor's words.every morning exercises and get back by the way to buy a good breakfast that morning at home reading a book or swim this afternoon,evening the dog to the garden at the dinner,smoking is harmful to health.smoking,the world will be better英语书面表达假如你 是李华、可是由于生病 不能参加、请以下是由 写一个请假条给班主任 张老师.1.考试.2.得了重感冒.、并 且头痛.3.去了医院、医 生让我在家休息.4.请两 天假.60字左右 Mr./Ms.xx:This is Li Hua.I'm sorry to notify you of my absence for the examinations on mm/dd/yy for mathematics and politics as I fell sick this morning.My mom took me to see the doctor and I was.
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