个人自由是否应该总是被保护 英文翻译 英语翻译


英语翻译 可能有些小错误,请多多包涵1non tariff barrierrefers to thequantitative import restrictionstotrade protectionist measurescharacteristics,they aredeveloped countries andsome developing countriestointerfere or obstructthe flow of goods and servicesin the international free(becharacterizedby,interferewith,impede).Since 270 time metaphase,due to the worldeconomiccrisis,coupled with the internationalmarket competitionintensifies,thedeveloped countrieshad to resort toin order torestrict imports ofnon-tariff barriers,toovercome difficulties(accompaniedby,resortto,bedesignedto).3non-tariff barriersandtariffs,import restrictions,the roleplayedbyimporting country's domesticmarketprice increases,aggravate theburden ofthe people of western developed countries.(imposeaheavyburdenon)4 in recent years,some trade policies and regulationsto implementthe United Statestodiscrimination againstChina,andsome of the productsofChineseexports to the United Statesto impose strictrestrictions.(discriminateagainst。

英语翻译 1,Multinational corporationA firm which has the power to coordinate and control operations in than one country,even if it doesn’t own themMultinational corporation(MNC)or transnational corporation(TNC)is a corporation or enterprise that manages production or delivers services in than one country.2Free tradeFree trade is a system in which the trade of goods and services between or within countries flows unhindered by government-imposed restrictions.Such government interventions generally increase costs of goods and services to both consumers and producers.Interventions include taxes and tariffs,non-tariff barriers,such as regulatory legislation and quotas,and even inter-government managed trade agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA)and Central America Free Trade Agreement(CAFTA)(contrary to their formal titles.)The most extreme version of Free Trade opposes all such interventions.Trade liberalization entails reductions to these trade barriers in。

\ Occidental prizes individual liberty very,is fond of doing as one likes,goes alone walk alone,is reluctant to be restricted(不知道是抄不是对的,多多袭包含哦!zhidao)

英语翻译 With the accelerating process of economic globalization and trade liberalization in the global expansion of non-tariff barriers as tariff barriers as well as traditional means of trade protection have become increasingly weak,gradually being reduced or excluded,and a new trade protection measures have been quietly on the international arena,this is the\"green barrier.\"In 2001,China joined the WTO will promote agriculture in global competition in agricultural development in China and also provide opportunities for China's agriculture will face enormous challenges and risks.Currently,the green barriers in international trade problem can not be avoided,agriculture as a weak industry easily affected.Green barriers are mostly for the domestic negative evaluation,the paper with the concept of green trade barriers,the theory outlined in the green trade barriers,then,to contact Shandong agricultural exports face trade barriers in the status of the green,green blocked analysis of the 。

一个人只要宣称自己是自由的,就会同时感到他是受限制的.如果你敢于宣称自己是受限制的,你就会感到自己是自由的. When one declare that they are free,he will feel restricted at the same time.If you dare to declare that you are being restricted,you will feel that you are free.

英语翻译 With and powerful wave of trade liberalization,as well as the development of a wave of attention,namely the Environmental Protection wave.China's accession to WTO,tariffs on textile exports to the impact of the gradual weakening of the green trade barriers have become a developed country trade barriers to the common Xingshi green trade barriers have become the face of China's accession to WTO,one of the most important barriers to trade.China's textile export industry has been big,but into the years of China's textile exports are facing a growing number of non-tariff barriers to trade restrictions,directly or indirectly caused our international competitiveness of textile exports decreased,the growth in export volume and export volume slow,the product backlog so many textile export enterprises in trouble.Based on the overview of the basic theory of the green trade barriers,to clarify the meaning of the green trade barriers,characteristics and main forms;then described the green。

