比尔给你妈妈打一个电话的翻译 你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:比尔,给你妈妈打一个电话。Bill,make a phone call to your mother.希望我的回答对你有帮助。
\ I made a phone to my mother.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O有不明白的请继续追问(*_^)
我在给妈妈打电话 的英语,翻译。 Iam calling with my mother。满意请好评
求翻译英语 可以借你的手机给我打个电话给我妈妈吗 可以借你的手机给我打个电话给我妈妈吗,我要告诉她这个聚会要10点才结束 就是这句 谢谢啊 excuse me,could I borrow 。
英文翻译:我能给你打个电话吗? Could I give you a call?
\ I made a phone to my mother.
英语翻译 1.提醒我晚上给妈妈打电话.Please remind me to call up my mother tonight.2.这个故事使你想起了什么?What does this story remind you of?3.我明天要还这本书,别忘了提醒我.Please don't forget to remind me that I should return this book.4.我确信她还活着.I'm sure she is still alive.5.男孩子通常都是活泼的.Boys are usually active.6.昨天晚上她给她儿子讲了一个生动的故事.I told her son a moving story last night.7.谁是在世的最伟大的人物?Who is the greatest person alive in the world?
我已经给你妈妈打过电话了。英语翻译 我已经给你妈妈打过电话了I've already called your mother.
英语翻译 小明经常向他妈妈要钱:Xiaoming always asks for money from his mother.昨天妈妈决定给老师打个电话:Yesterday,mom decided to call the teacher.他经常在晚上收听广播:He often listens to the radio at night.你们觉得我们的英语老师怎么样?What do you think about our teacher?我正在给老师发邮件:I am sending the email to my teacher.上学尽量不要迟到:Don't be late for school as much as possible.由于一场大雨,数千旅客滞留在白玉机场:Because of the heavy rain,thousands of passengers were detained at BaiYu airport.