求大神把这个翻译成英文:我早上6点起床,然后在6点半吃早饭,7点去上学,我一天有8节课,我下午5点半放学,到家后,我先写我的作业,然后在7点吃晚饭,再看电视看到9点,睡觉 6点10分吃下午饭英语翻译


英语翻译 今天,是除夕夜,是个快乐的日子.当下午5点时,我们已经吃上了香喷喷的年夜饭了.我和我的家人在晚上10点时出去放烟花,五颜六色的烟花在天空上,别提多美了.到了午夜12点,便是新一年里的第一天,也是我们长大一岁的时刻.这.

求大神把这个翻译成英文:我早上6点起床,然后在6点半吃早饭,7点去上学,我一天有8节课,我下午5点半放学,到家后,我先写我的作业,然后在7点吃晚饭,再看电视看到9点,睡觉 6点10分吃下午饭英语翻译

英语翻译 My best friend is ZhangYuHan.She usually gets up early and get up at the weekend after her first breakfast.Then go to learn for two hours,learned she doing her homework.After lunch,she and her mother went shopping.At around 5 p.m.,she went to exercise an hour,at about six o 'clock her home.Her dinner at 6:30,she watches TV after supper.She go to bed at 10 o 'clock.

求大神把这个翻译成英文:我早上6点起床,然后在6点半吃早饭,7点去上学,我一天有8节课,我下午5点半放学,到家后,我先写我的作业,然后在7点吃晚饭,再看电视看到9点,睡觉 6点10分吃下午饭英语翻译

英语翻译 我叫xxx salve,mi chiamo xxx.salve 用于一般不认识的人,你可以用 ciao 对你的同学,对你的老师或比你年长的,表示你是个有礼貌的人最好用buongiorno.come va?或 come sta 对你的同学可以说:come stai?你多大?Guandi anni hai?可以交个朋友吗?这是一种中国人的问法.一般意大利人不这么说的.同样这个意思可以说:你可以给我你的电话号码吗?mi puo dare il tuo numero di telefono?或可以给你我的电话号码吗?posso darti il mio numero di telefono?打扰一下:miscusi 或 permesso早上好,中午好,晚上好:一般在下午两点或两点半之前用:buongiorno,之后用:buon sera.你一定要说下午好,也可以说:buon pomeriggio.(不常用)我爱你:ti amo 或 ti voglio bene.你吃过饭了吗?hai mangiato 这又是中国习惯,如果是问候语,打招呼的话,意大利人是不明白的,我来自中国,vengo dalla cina,或 sono cinese,我是中国人.如果你身在异乡,祝你在那里有一个好的开始。

求大神把这个翻译成英文:我早上6点起床,然后在6点半吃早饭,7点去上学,我一天有8节课,我下午5点半放学,到家后,我先写我的作业,然后在7点吃晚饭,再看电视看到9点,睡觉 6点10分吃下午饭英语翻译

英语翻译 Higher school in spent a year,the feeling used to the life here process 6:50 to get up every day at 7:25 class,we one day to 8 hours,on the morning after 5 hours,go to eat,sleep,afternoon after.


英语翻译 Today is a big year 30,we want to greet new year of arrival.This afternoon,the grandmother stuck to like the New Year couplet and blessings on the door.In the evening,whole family the person eats the New Year's Eve dinner together,everyone is all very happy.Have a meal,everyone walks to the doorway,setting off to have the smoke flower,very beautiful.We saw the social get-to-gather evening party of Chinese New Year again,the Chinese New Year of today I spend thus.


