求生之路中witch为什么哭 witch doctor.版街舞


《实况足球2013》中white witch doctor的称号是什么意思? ?2017www.wukong.com 京ICP备12025439号-14 京公网安备11000002002030号 网络文化经营许可证 跟帖评论自律管理承诺书 违法和不良信息举报电话:400-140-2108 公司名称:。

有谁知道witch doctor歌词的中文发音,就是英文发音用中文表示出来的,谢谢,要清楚准确点哈 Yeah。In The Place To Be。Chipmunks On The M I C。Witch Doctor。Everybody Get In To It。(get in to it)Come On People Let's Get To It。(let's get to it)Come On Sexy,Come On Roll。Everybody Hit The Floor。Come On Sexy,Come On Roll。Here's The Chipmunks Here We Go。ChipmunksI Told The Witch Doctor I Was In Love With You。I Told The Witch Doctor You Didn't Love Me Too。And Then The Witch Doctor He Told Me What To Do。He Said That:Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the wallawalla bingbangOoh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbangOoh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the wallawalla bingbangOoh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbangYO DJ PUMP THIS PARTY。DJ:Everybody Get In To It。(go。go。go。(get in to it)Come On People Let's Get To It。(go。go。go。(let's get to it)Come On Sexy,Come On Roll。Everybody Hit The Floor。Come On Sexy,Come On Roll。Here's The Chipmunks Here We Go。ALVIN。SIMON。THEADORE。Chipmunks:I Told The 。

欢乐的英文歌 就像Witch Doctor 这样的

Witch Doctor 花栗鼠版的。从22秒开始谁能帮个忙呀。 你下载一个酷我音乐,然后搜,上面关于花栗鼠的歌有好多好多,也有Witch Doctor.

《witch doctor》歌词和歌词翻译? dj:yeah。4102 in the place to be。1653chipmunks on the m i c。witch doctor。everybody get in to it。(get in to it)come on people let''''s get to it。(let''''s get to it)come on sexy,come on roll。everybody hit the floor。come on sexy,come on roll。here''''s the chipmunks here we go。chipmunksi told the witch doctor i was in love with you。i told the witch doctor you didn''''t love me too。and then the witch doctor he told me what to do。he said that:ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the wallawalla bingbangooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbangooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the wallawalla bingbangooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbangyo dj pump this party。dj:everybody get in to it。(go。go。go。(get in to it)come on people let''''s get to it。(go。go。go。(let''''s get to it)come on sexy,come on roll。everybody hit the floor。come on sexy,come on roll。here''''s the chipmunks here we go。alvin。。

Witch Doctor的人物背景 大多数人都相信可怕的巫医仅仅是存在于传说中的神秘种族。但我曾亲眼看到一个战斗中的巫医。虽然这让人很难以置信。他使用着可怕的手法让自己的对手们伴随着爆炸和火焰而灰飞烟灭。即使还有敌人幸存.巫医会继续使用自己的能力指挥从阴曹地府召唤出来的亡灵生物来撕裂敌人的血肉之躯。为了见识谜一般的巫医部落。我以身犯险踏入覆盖了整个西方大陆南部地区的 Torajan 丛林。这片巨大的区域被称为“Teganze”。这片区域完全与世隔绝。直到目前为止还未有被世人所见。我很幸运的和之前在战斗中看到的巫医成为了朋友。才得以通过他找到了他的部落:五石山部落.并建立了友谊。神秘的 Teganze 盆地居民的文化对来访者来说是即迷人而又令人费解的。举例来说。五石山部落经常会和柒玉部落以及云峡部落进入胶着的部落战争状态。但却不是因为侵略而仅仅是为了例行的仪式。我听说这样的战争只是为了让最后的胜利者能够补充更多的原料供应来进行人祭。如此周而复始。然而当我小心翼翼地询问主人更多关于这些事的时候.我得承认他们的笑声使我感到自己如坐针毡。无论如何。通过小心的交流是什么构成了他们社会里的勇气和荣耀这个复杂话题之后。我才得知在战场上死去被认为才是最为。


