英语翻译 Will you come to the mainland of China?If you will,would you pls tell us your scheduling?So that we can arrange time and discuss with you abt the details of our cooperation.
英语翻译Dear sir您回来中国内地吗?如果来的话,方便告诉我您在中国内地的行程安排吗?这样我可以安排一下时间,跟您探讨一下关于合作的具体的细节
你对房间那些地方不太满意,方便告诉我吗?英语怎么翻译 你对房间那些地方不太满意,方便告诉我吗?You are not satisfied with the room,convenient to tell me?
英语翻译 The samples have been sent out.Would you please tell me your MSN or other means of instant messaging,so that I can contact you conveniently.Thank you.注:不知道你的“样品”是一件还是多件.上面按多件翻.