向帮助过你的老师表示感谢的情景对话,英语的要怎么写啊 表示感谢的英语对话


简短、明了的两个人表示感激的英语对话?四句 Dialogue1A:Come in!请进。B:It's a lovely house。房子真漂亮。A:Thank you for your compliments。谢谢你的夸奖。B:You are welcome。不用谢。Dialogue2A:It's very kind of you to show me the way。真是太感谢你给我带路了。B:Please don't mention it。请不用客气。A:Hope to see you again。希望再见到你。B:See you!再见常用句子It's very kind of you。承蒙你的好意。It's most thoughtful of you。你想的太周到了。I'm very grateful to you。我真是非常感谢你。I'm obliged to you very much。非常感谢你。Thank you very much for your invitation。谢谢你的邀请。You are most understanding。你真能体谅人。

向帮助过你的老师表示感谢的情景对话,英语的要怎么写啊 表示感谢的英语对话

表示感谢的英语对话 L:Hello。How may I help you?S:Hi。I’m trying to find a few books,but I’m lost.L:OK.What books do you need to find?S:I need to find three conversation books by Professor Brown.L:All right.Those books are at the main desk on the third floor.S:How do I get there?L:Just take this elevator up two floors.The desk is right outside.S:Great.Thank you very much。L:You’re welcome.Good luck。Barry:Hey Larry~It's great to see you here。Larry:Oh,hi Barry~What's up with you lately?Barry:I have been quite busy working around the house.Larry:Oh yeah?I hope everything's going smoothly.Barry:Well,actually,could you give me a hand this weekend?Larry:Is it to do with your house?Barry:Yes,landscaping my yard.Larry:That sounds like a big job.Barry:It might be,it depends on how I decide to do it.Larry:You don’t know yet?Barry:I can’t make up my mind.I’m vacillating between desert land-scape with cacti or lush green grass with lots of flowers.What do you think it should be?Larry:Well,a desert。

向帮助过你的老师表示感谢的情景对话,英语的要怎么写啊 表示感谢的英语对话

对老师表示感谢的两人英语对话 Thanks for your selfless dedication.It‘s my pleasure.

向帮助过你的老师表示感谢的情景对话,英语的要怎么写啊 表示感谢的英语对话

表示感谢的英语两人对话,至少8轮 已有答案(2)L:Hello。How may I help you?S:Hi。I’m trying to find a few books,but I’m lost.L:OK.What books do you need to find?S:I need to find three conversation books by Professor Brown.L:Al.

向帮助过你的老师表示感谢的情景对话,英语的要怎么写啊 A:Hey Miss Sparrow,do you have a moment?B:Sure,come on in.Take a seat Stella.A:Thanks Miss Sparrow.B:What can I do for you today,Stella?A:It is almost the end of the semester and I would like to drop by to express my gratitute.B:Ou,what have I done?Is everything alright?A:Miss Sparrow,the last semester was difficult for me,I never thought I would be able to understand trigonometry,not in my wildest dream to pass on it.But result came out a couple of days ago and I did it。I passed。and it makes me realize that I have you to thank because you have never gave up on me no matter how lost i seemed to be.B:No,Stella,you did great on your own,I was just there to give you a push.A:See Miss Sparrow,you trust in me,you gave me the confidence to pull it through and that means than anything for a person with low self esteem like me,so yes,you've helped me a lot and you've changed my life,thank you so much Miss Sparrow.B:Aww.That is so sweet of you Stella.Thank you。I am glad that I am 。

求,一句对爱人表示感谢的话(英文 通常外国人都这样表达Thank you for being thereThank you for being around

表达感谢的英语语句 1.Thanks a lot(多谢)例:2113Thanks a lot for looking after the children.2.Thanks very much(非常感谢)例:Thanks very much for making dinner tonight.3.Thank you very much(非常感谢你)例:Thank you very much for dinner – it was great.4.Thank you so much(太谢5261谢你了)例:Thank you so much for helping me out today.注*Thanks相比4102Thank you更口语化,后者更正式、感情更丰富一些1653。6.Many thanks(多谢)这是在信件往来中常用的正式说法,比如和客户、供应商等商务对象往来时说这句客套话。例:Many thanks for the lovely present.7.Appreciate(感谢)这个单词用来礼貌地向某人表示感谢,表示你对别人做的某件事很感激。例:I appreciate your concern,but honestly,I'm fine.8.Much obliged(深表谢意、感激不尽)这是一种极其正式的谢谢说法,所以被使用的频率也较低,不常见到人用。例:I am much obliged to you for your patience during the recent difficulties.9.I owe you one/I owe you big time.(我欠你个人情/我欠你一个大人情)同样在别人帮了你大忙后,你还可以说这句话来表示你心中的感恩戴德之情。例:You 。

英语情景对话回答感谢的都有哪些? I'd appreciate it very much.Thanks.Thank you.Just.Thanks(激动的时候用)Thanks a lot.Thank you very much.Thanks.Thank you.it is very kind of you.it is very appreciated that you.1.表示感谢的常用套语:It’s very kind of you.你太好了,多谢你了.I’m much obliged to you.Much obliged[appreciated].Thank you.Thank you very much.Thank you very much indeed.真是太感谢你了.Thanks.Thanks a lot.多谢.Thanks very much.Thanks so much.Many thanks.多谢.2.回答感谢的常用答语:Not at all.别客气;不用谢;哪儿的话.You are welcome.不用谢.Please don’t mention it.不用客气;不用谢.It’s[It was]a pleasure.不用客气;不用谢.A pleasure.不用客气;不用谢.It is(was)my pleasure.别客气,这是我高兴做的.My pleasure.不客气,这是我高兴做的事.Pleasure is(was)all mine.不客气;不用谢.No trouble at all.没什么;别客气.No problem.不客气;不用谢.It’s[It was]nothing.没什么;不客气.Think nothing of it.没什么.That’s all right.没什么;不用谢.That’s OK.没什么;不用谢.Any time.不用谢;不客气;有事说一A。

关于感谢或道歉的英语情景对话? 感谢A:Hi,Tom。How are you?I was looking for you yesterday.I want to thank you for what you did for me last time.B:Not a big deal.We're good friends.A:Tom,I really appreciate your help last time.B:You are very welcome.It's my pleasure.A:Tom,you saved my life.I can't imagine achieving this without your help.B:No bother,dude。

