电话打不通时里面的英语怎么说 电话接不通的提示英语


电话打不通时里面的英语怎么说 对不起,zd你拨打的电话已关机请稍后再拨!sorry,the phone you dial was powered off please dial later。对不起内,你拨打的电话不在服务区请稍后再拨Sorry,the phone you dial is not in service,please dial later。“对不起,你拨打的电话占时无容法接通请稍后再拨Sorry,the phone you dial is not available please dial later turned。对不起,你拨打的电话正在通话中请稍后再拨Sorry,the phone you dial is on a call,please dial later。

电话打不通时里面的英语怎么说 电话接不通的提示英语

打电话时打不通的情况下,电话里的女生说的英文都是什么 对不起,您2113所拨打的用户已关机 sorry,the number you dialed is power off 对不起,您所拨5261打的用4102户正在通话中,请稍候再1653拨 sorry,the number you dialed is busy now,please redial later.对不起,您所拨打的用户暂时无人接听,请稍候再拨 Sorry,the subscriber you are dailing cannot be connected now.Please redail later.对不起,您所拨打的用户已停机。sorry,the number you dialed is out of service.

电话打不通时里面的英语怎么说 电话接不通的提示英语

求各种电话不通时的英文提示音。。 1、空号:中文:您好!您所拨打的号码是空号,请核对后再拨。英文:Sorry。The number you dialed does not exist,please check it and dial later.2、被叫用户关机:中文:您好!您所拨打的电话已关机。英文:Sorry。The subscriber you dialed is power off.3、被叫不在服务区:中文:对不起!您拨打的用户暂时无法接通,请稍后再拨。英文:Sorry!The subscriber you dialed can not be connected for the moment,please redial later.4、主叫欠费停机/单向停机中文:对不起!您的电话已欠费,请您续交话费,谢谢!英文:Sorry,your telephone charge is overdue,please renew it,thank you。5、用户申请临时停机/其他原因暂时停机:中文:对不起!您的电话已停机。详情请垂询“1860”。英文:Sorry。Your telephone service is suspended,for information,please dial“1860”.6、被叫停机:中文:对不起!您拨打的电话已停机。英文:Sorry。The number you dialed is out of service.7、被叫忙:(1)被叫用户登记了呼叫等待功能中文:您好!请不要挂机,您拨打的电话正在通话中。英文:Sorry。Please hold on,the subscriber you dialed is busy 。

电话打不通时里面的英语怎么说 电话接不通的提示英语

中国移动打不通电话的提示音英语,都是什么? 1、空号,中文:您好!您所拨打的号码是空号,请核对后再拨,e79fa5e98193e78988e69d8331333365633835英文:Sorry。The number you dialed does not exist,please check it and dial later。2、被叫用户关机,中文:您好!您所拨打的电话已关机,英文:Sorry。The subscriber you dialed is power off。3、被叫不在服务区,中文:对不起!您拨打的用户暂时无法接通,请稍后再拨,英文:Sorry!The subscriber you dialed can not be connected for the moment,please redial later。4、主叫欠费停机/单向停机,中文:对不起!您的电话已欠费,请您续交话费,谢谢,英文:Sorry,your telephone charge is overdue,please renew it,thank you。5、用户申请临时停机/其他原因暂时停机,中文:对不起!您的电话已停机。详情请垂询“1860”。英文:Sorry。Your telephone service is suspended,for information,please dial“1860”。6、被叫停机,中文:对不起!您拨打的电话已停机,英文:Sorry。The number you dialed is out of service。1.Sorry,the number you have dialed is engaged at the moment.Please try again later。2.sorry the number you dailed is out。

请问中国移动电话打不通时所说的英文是什么? 对不起,你拨打的电话已关机请稍后再拨。sorry,the phone you dial was powered off please dial later。对不起,你拨打的电话不在服务区请稍后再拨Sorry,the phone you dial is not in service,please dial later。“对不起,你拨打的电话占时无法接通请稍后再拨Sorry,the phone you dial is not available please dial later turned。对不起,你拨打的电话正在通话中请稍后再拨Sorry,the phone you dial is on a call,please dial later。


打电话打不通的提示的英语是什么? Sorry,the subscriber you dialed is power off.Please redial later.对不起,你所拨打的电话已关机。请稍后再拨!说明:subscribers?b?skra?b?(r)|a person who pays to receive a service 消费者;用户

电话打不通时里面的英语怎么说 对不起,你所拨打的号码已关机。Sorry。The subscriber you dialed is power off.2.对不起?你所拨打的号码是空号,请查证后再拨。Sorry。The number you dialed does not exist,please check it and 3.对不起,你所拨打的.


能把电信接不通电话时说的英语写在这里吗 The subscriber you dialed is power-off,please re-dial later.您所拨打的用户已关机,请稍候再拨。(中国移动的,用词更贴切)似乎联通是说 The number you dialed is 。


