求土屋安娜 frozon rose 歌词 FROZEN ROSEアーテイスと:土屋アンナ作词:ANNA作曲:Fredrik Bjrk.Samuel Laxberg.Julia ErikssonI don't wanna hear the bad news when I was a little girlin front of the mirror,I couldn't understand a thingthere were teares falling down my cheeks,no matterhow much,I washed my face.I couldn't wash my soulI should of hold on to him tightI wanted to hold him back,so,he wouldont't leaveA frozen rose that has lost it's loveonly the memories of you dye her in to redstays there waiting to melt awaythe petals scatter like glass tearsI really I'll forgive you if you're afraid of meI wannna be hold so thight that I can't breathsave me form my lonelinessIf it was possible I shouldn't have meet youA frozen rose that has lost it's loveonly the memories of you dye her in to redstays there waiting to melt awaythe petals scatter like glass tearsI really I'll forgive you if you're afraid of meA frozen rose that has lost it's loveonly the memories of you dye her in to red。土屋安娜rose中文全部歌词 哪都找不到啊。中文翻译:当陷于阴暗的那时 颤抖的嘴唇 蜷在屋子一角,哭了起来 越是拼命挣扎,越是将伤口撕裂 那被打碎的约定,伤害了我 没人。土屋安娜的《Rose》 歌词 Rose演唱:土屋安娜when i was darkness at that time震えてる唇部屋の片隅でi cryもがけばもがくほど突き刺さるこの伤破られた约束hurt menobody can save me神様ひとつだけ止めて裂くようなmy lovei need your love.i'm a broken rose.舞散る悲しみyour song居场所无い孤独なmy lifei need your love.i'm a broken rose.oh baby,help me from frozen painwith your smile,your eyes,and sing me,just for mei wanna need your love.i'm a broken rosei wanna need your love.when you are with me at that time賔方の影を追いかけて裸足で駆け抜けて stop me闭ざせば闭ざすほどもつれてくこの爱缓やかにやさしく kiss menobody can save me冻える薾薇のようにやさしく眠りたい my tearsi need your love.i'm a broken rose.枯れ堕ちる悲しみmy soul崩れてく孤独なlittle girli need your love.i'm a broken rose.oh baby,help me from frozen painwith your smile,your eyes,and sing me,just for mei wanna need your love.i'm a broken rosei wanna need your love.i need your love.i'm a broken rose.舞散る悲しみyour。土屋安娜的rose的歌词
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