以 英语作文合理安排时间


关于合理安排学习时间 高考英语作文范文 共8 Some people feel like they are always busy doing something all day long,but they still have a lot of things to do.It seems that the time is never 。

以\ 英语作文合理安排时间

如何合理安排时间英语作文 Scheduling Time with Yourself1.Evenings with Yourself.Try to save certain weeknights just for you.If others ask you to do things those nights,just tell them you have plans.Use the time for gardening,r.

以\ 英语作文合理安排时间

求英语作文 内容是:作为学生,我们应该合理安排时间,在生活,学习上注意劳逸结合,请以How I

以\ 英语作文合理安排时间

如何合理安排时间英语作文 ome people feel like they are always busy doing something all day long,but they still have a lot of things to do.It seems that the time is never enough.How can we spend our time effectively?Well,in my humble opinion,there are several tips that we can use.有些人感2113觉他们整天都忙个不停,5261但是他们还是有好多事情4102要做。看起来时间永远不够用。我们1653怎样才能合理的利用时间呢?在我看来,有几点建议可供大家参考。First of all,we should make a list about the things we need to do today.The chef thing to remember is to do the things which are extremely critical first.Second,be concentrated.For the people,they may lack of self-control,they are easily got distracted by other things,thus it’s important for them to do the things according to the list.Don’t do other things unless you have finish your job.Last but not least,wake up earlier in the morning.You’ll find you have time to do the things you want.首先,我们应该为自己今天要做的事情列一张表。最重要的是要记住先做那些紧急。

以\ How to Arrange Your Time at College1.对大学生的时间安排有两种不同的看法:有人认为大学生就该整天读书;有人认为参加体育锻炼是大学生生活的一部分.2.我的看法.(并举例说明.)3.学习和体育锻炼的关系.People have different opinions about how students should spend their school days.Some people believe that students should spend the whole school days in academic studies.Others say that physical exercise should be a required part of every school day.I personally believe each way has its advantages.Were it left me to decide,I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.Being a student,our main task is to concentrate on our academic study.we should spend enough time attending classes,reading books and finishing various assignments.Only by working hard can we gain much from academic studies.But I don’t think we should spend every day,every hour and every minute studying textbooks.As a proverbb says,“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”Being a student,we should take part in other 。

关于合理安排时间来学习和放松的英语作文 多彩的初三 彩虹有属于它的七种颜色,同样的,美妙的初三生活也拥有属于它的颜色。题记 在过去的日子里曾经年少的我们盼望着过一种刺激的生活,也许是因为小学的节奏太过缓慢,也许是因为初一、初二的日子没有特色,于是,转眼间,在我们升上了初三的时候,突然发现这才是一种快节奏的生活,仔细看,发现初三的生活也有自己的颜色。起初,初三是绿色,那象征着活泼和快乐。尽管老师和家长在一遍遍重复着距离中考的时间,但毕竟十五六岁是属于我们的花样年华,青春年少。看嫩绿的小草破土而出,看翠绿的枝条随风飘摇,就仿佛看到了我们自己在操场上自由奔跑,玩耍疯闹。虽然心中也曾有过一丝丝焦虑,但那远比不上快乐占据的百分比。于是,初三就在绿色的笼罩中慢慢度过。渐渐地,初三变成了红色,因为我们意识到了什么是月考,什么是中考。于是我们放下了曾经快活的绿色时光,转而拥抱红色的朝阳。于是我们坚持,我们奋斗,我们努力,我们追求,日子就在这一系列的动词中悄然溜走。在那段日子里,我们懂得了什么是激情燃烧,也许不只是象电视中的那样,初三同样在燃烧着激情与能力,而那产物就是几个月以后重要的测试。为了心中的梦想,我们放弃了年少轻狂,而是毅然。

