对我而言 英语翻译 英语翻译


英语翻译 It's interesting for me to make a pumpkin lantern.It's good for us to eat healthy food.

英语翻译 As far as I'm concerned,anytime next week will be fine/ok.It is a very small loss to/for us.Don't make such a fuss over itThe little girl will outgrow her fear of pet animalsIt is obviously his you.

就我而言 用英语怎么说 As for me(最普通的表达法)Personally(Personally speaking)(更好一点的表达法)As far as I'm concerned(最出彩的表达法)刚的答案,嘻嘻~

“就我而言”用英文怎么说? “就我而2113言”翻译成英文是as far as I'm concerned.as的英式5261读法是[?z];美式读法是[?z]。作副词意思有同样地4102;例如;被认为。作介词意思有作为1653;如同。作连词意思有因为;像;当.之时;像.一样;结果;尽管。concerned的英式读法是[k?n's??nd];美式读法是[k?n's??rnd]。作形容词意思有担忧的;关心的;关切的;有关的。相关例句:1、As far as I'm concerned you can do what you like.就我而言,你可以做你喜欢的事情。2、As far as I'm concerned,the beige one is better.就我而言,米色的那个更好。扩展资料:一、as的单词用法prep.(介词)1、as作“以…的身份,以…资格,作为,以…角色”解时常与动词act,employ,function,serve,speak,work或形容词eminent,distinguished,famous,known,recognized,renowned等连用。2、as比较常用于as.as和the same.as两个句型。二、词义辨析prep.(介词)as,for这两个词均可作“作为;当作;用作”解,一般情况下可以互换。但as表示资格,而for表示用途。

就我而言用英文怎么说 1、2113As for me 或者such as me(最普通的表5261达法)41022、Personally speaking(更好一点的表达法)3、As far as I'm concerned(最出彩的表达法)造句As for me1、As for me,the silence and the emptiness is so great that I look and do not see,listen and do not hear.就我而言1653,那沉默和空虚如此之沉重,以至于我有眼却看不见,有耳却听不见。2、But,as for me,I come to the inquest with other senses than they possess.就我而言,我要用他们所不具备的其它感觉来寻求答案。Personally speaking1、Personally speaking/Speakingpersonally,I'm in favour of the scheme.就我而言,我赞成这个计画.2.、Personally speaking,I prefer the second candidate.就我而言,我更喜欢第二个候选人.As far as I'm concerned1、As far as I'm concerned,living in China is better than living abroad.就我而言,住在中国比在国外要舒服。2、As far as I'm concerned,he is the best teacher in the school.就我而言,他是学校里最好的老师。

对我而言这不是一个遗憾。如何用英语翻译?是用to me 还是for me 为什么? It's not a pity for me.相同处:for me/to me 都可当 对我而言如:It’s important for me to learn English.Learning is important to me.两句都是 学英文对我而言很重要不同处:for me 帮我(为我)/to me 给我Bring an umbrella for me.帮我带支伞Bring an umbrella to me.带支伞给我一般用中文这样代入句意就知用哪个但有时用 for 或 to要看 动词 如take,make,buy,get…要用 for(还有问题的 there is/are 也是)give,show,pass…要用 to大致归类是如此 这些都是惯用法 只能靠自己多熟悉它们的用法如:There is no hope for me.对我而言是没有希望的


