小学六年级期中英语考试卷2015 人教版小学六年级期中考试英语和数学试卷难吗?最难得题是什么


小学六年级上册数学,语文,英语的期中试卷。 一、口算。(6分,另卷)二、填空。(12分)1、小时=()分 千米=()米2、15吨的 是()吨,20克的 是15克3、×()=×()=()×()=14、=9÷()=():56=()(小数)5、根据15×=10,写出两道乘法算式(),()6、一项工程,每天完成636f70797a6431333330363066它的,8天完成它的,()天完成这项工程。7、8千克面粉,吃掉了它的,还剩()千克。8、在○里填上“﹤”、“﹥”或“=”2○×○13÷○13 6×○69、甲数是30,比乙数少,乙数是()10、:化简比是(),比值是()。三、判断。(5分)1、两个真分数相除,商一定大于被除数。2、4.8:2.4化成最简单的整数比是48:24。3、1千克的 和2千克的 一样重。4、甲数比乙数多,那么乙数比甲数少。5、比的前项和后项同时扩大2倍,比值不变。四、选择正确的答案,把答案的序号填在括号里。(5分)1、化简比的依据是()A除法的运算 B分数的基本性质 C 比的基本性质2、两根同样长的钢管,第一根用去 米,第二根用去,()A第一根用去的多 B第二根用去的多 C两根的用去同样多 D无法比较3、“女生人数的 就是男生人数”这句话的单位“1”是()A女生人数 B男生人数 C全班人数4、把20克糖溶在200克。pep小学英语六年级上册期中试卷 一、Listen and choose.听音辩词。1.①playground ②restaurant ③school2.①duck ②kangaroo ③koala3.①sell ②lift ③send4.①postcard ②language ③Australia5.①because ②why ③before二、Listen and tick.听音选句子。1.A 图片:超市 B 公园2.A 水果 B糖果3.A 重的 B轻的4.A 万圣节 B复活节三、Listen and tick.听音选句子。①_②_③_④_⑤_A.There are many ducks now.B.There is a playground now.C.There were many fruits in the supermarket.D.There was only a slide before.E.There wasn’t a pond here before.四、Choose the best answer.选择题。1.What is Halloween?A.It’s a spring festival.B.It’s a summer festivalC.It’s an autumn festival.2.Children wear_clothes on Halloween.A.beautiful B.scary C.big3.There are many Easter eggs and Easter hats on_A.Easter B.Halloween C.Christmas4.This one is_.I can’t lift it.A.long B.heavy C.different5.—Why do you like_?Because I like Australian animals.A.Australia B.China C.America6.—I’m going to go to England.(选择合适的答句)A.They scare the 。小学六年级英语上册期中考试题 六年级英语一.划出划线部分不同于其他三个的单词(10分)1.()1.seat 2.read 3.bread 4.team2.()1.apple 2.fat 3.china 4.bag3.()1.this 2.three 3.that 4.there4.()1.side 2.library 3.right 4.hospital5.()1.what 2.where 3.whom 4.when6.()1.must 2.uncle 3.busy 4.bus7.()1.go 2.dog 3.hot 4.off8.()1.country 2.cinema 3.cat 4.class9.()1.then 2.every 3.remember 4.next10.()1.please 2.season 3.great 4.east二、补全单词共共(10分)sw s c_d sl_d_l_b_ar_p ll wv_s_e book_elf tele one bes_de sees三.连词成句,注意标点(10)1.how cinema to go do on you Sundays Mike2.can go the bus on stop we to foot3.are three in country there lights every traffic4.the is where office post5.are you what to on the going do weekend四.选词填空.(10分)1、The flowers are in the of the tree.2、There is a pen the pencil-box.3、The girl are the old tree.4、The children are the wall.5、The computer room is the gym.五.选择题 20分1、Thanks a lotA、It’s my pleasure B、thank you C、It doesn’t matter2、。人教版小学六年级期中考试英语和数学试卷难吗?最难得题是什么 相信自己,祝你考好!2015期中考试英语作文六年级 Last Chinese New Year.I and my father,mother,grandparents,brother went to changbaishan by bus.In the morning we came down the mountain.I saw wooded mountains,wild flowers bloom.We climb up the hill along the mountain path.Come halfway up the mountain,I feel a little tired,my shoes broke.Dad said to me,“tingting,don’t do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top,the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites,I was thirsty,my mother bought me a bottle of water,.finally we went home.finally,Since then,I've kept these shoes。i was very happy


