怎么用英语写互相问候的对话,写写 表示关心的对话英语怎么说


用英语怎么说关心朋友的一段话 Dear Mark,How are you?I heard that you got a flu just last Saturday.Did youget better over the past few days?I am very worried about you.I am sorry that Ican't come over to visit you,my mom won't allow me to.In school we had regularthings,plus a few homework assignments,which is writing a 120 word essay aboutpollution.I wish that you could get well and walk with me to school again.I lookforward to see you.We could play your favorite sport,basketball,then I couldtake you out for a dinner to celebrate you overcoming this sickness.Your truefriend,XX(姓名)XX/XX/XXXX(日/月/年)亲爱的,你好吗?我听说你上个星期六得了流感,在过去的几天里,你会得到更好的吗?我很担心你。我很抱歉,我不能来拜访你,我妈妈不让我去。在学校我们有规律性的东西,再加上一些作业,就是写一篇120字左右的污染。我希望你能好好和我一起走到学校再次,我期待见到你。我们可以玩你最喜欢的运动,篮球,然后我可以带你出去吃晚餐庆祝你克服这种病。你的真正的朋友,(姓名)XX年XX月XX日(日/月/年)

怎么用英语写互相问候的对话,写写 表示关心的对话英语怎么说

关心朋友考试结果的英语情景对话 朋友考试了,想问问结果,关心一下,简单明了就得!Did you make it?很简单又很是实用而且很地道,表示你是否通过考试或是否如愿以偿。

怎么用英语写互相问候的对话,写写 表示关心的对话英语怎么说

急急 谁帮忙写个2个人的关于a family story的英语对话 不用太多几句就行了!!1 Daughter:Mom,I come back.M:How's it going today?D:Nothing special.M:Don't you meet something interesting in school?D:Nothing,mom.I'm tired,please let me alone,ok?M:ok,I will call you when the supper be prepared.D:Em.M:Now,taking a shower will be the best choice I think.D:Just stop.I will do what I want.Don't worry about it.M:All right.希望可以帮到你.

怎么用英语写互相问候的对话,写写 表示关心的对话英语怎么说



