拥有权的英文 英语翻译


货物所有权英文怎么写 货物所有权Ownership of goods货物所有权Ownership of goods

拥有权的英文 英语翻译

有合法所有权者英文怎么写 legal owner of xxxx例子:legal owner of a car一辆汽车的合法拥有者

拥有权的英文 英语翻译

英语翻译 The company has handed over the primary risk and reward on property in the goods to the buyer.

拥有权的英文 英语翻译

所有权和占有权的英文怎么写,? Copyright(C)XXXX-XXXX(多少年至多少年)The XXXXX(谁的版权)All Rights Reserved例如:Copyright(C)2008Baidu All Rights Reserved这个就是说 有2008年在这个区域(出现这行字的地方如网站)所有权

英语翻译 Under modern enterprise system,The property rights and the operating right separate,the owner inwill retain after surplus has demanded the right the operating rightto give the operator,the owner enjoy.

英语翻译 content abstract]:The good intentions obtain also call obtain immediately,is refers to when there is no place decentralization person transfers the subject matter for the good intentions third person,the good intentions third person generally may obtain the subject matter the property rights,the owner do not request that the good intentions third person returns the original.Do the real estate whether suitable good intentions obtain,because various countries to register the potency to stipulate that varies,but different.But looking from person's mutual respect,the transaction safe and the third person of benefit protection angle,its function from is other legal regime is unable to substitute.Therefore,in our country code civil,should take register the public announcement estimation strength and the male letter strength as the foundation,the construction real estate good intentions obtains,thus consummates our country's transaction safekeeping of security system.(key word):The good 。

英语翻译 The deposit becomes the people to live an important part.But if you said to a person about his deposit property rights ownership existencedispute speech,he definitely can be unable to understand,even.


经营权和所有权英语是什么 management rightownership

