人生颂费朗罗 法国香颂到底是什么意思?


人生颂的作品赏析 《人生颂》一诗是亨利2113·沃兹沃斯·朗费罗最著5261名的抒情诗4102之一,首次发表在一份名为《内克波克》1653(Knickbocker Magazine)的杂志上,后来收入诗人的第一部诗集《夜吟》中。这首诗属于典型的教谕诗,体现了朗费罗的诗学理念。朗费罗是积极的“为人生而艺术”论者,主张艺术应该鞭挞现实,激扬人们的生活热情与斗志,从而造福人类。该诗以一位年轻人的口吻来表达诗人对人生的见解(避免了诗人直接说教之嫌),阐述了以健康向上、积极进取的乐观态度对抗消极的虚无思想的人生哲理。全诗语言庄重、严肃而通俗,诗人从几个角度,层层深入地揭示了人生的积极内涵。全诗共9节,结构严谨,条理清晰,层次分明,说理和论述都很讲究。从整体结构上看,全诗层层递进,环环相扣,起承转合,十分自然,体现出诗人不凡的技巧和构思。全诗有明显的四个层次。1~3节可视为第一层次,这一层次表明了诗人对人生的根本看法,即什么是人生。第1节诗人首先写出了一种消极的论调,故意设置一个悲观人生论的“歌者”作为批驳的对象,阐述反对将肉体的必死性作为把人生视为一场幻梦的因由,以此来恢复生命的灵性维度来维护人生的现实意义。第2节则讲述在消极论调的对立面,诗人。

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人生颂的作品原文 A Psalm1of Life(What the Heart of the Young Man said to the Psalmist)1 47Tell me not,in mournful2numbers,Art is long,and Time is fleeting7,Lives of great men all remind us“Life is but an empty dream。And our hearts,though stout8 and brave,We can make our lives sublime14,for the soul is dead that slumbers3,Still,like muffled9 drums10,are beatingAnd,departing,leave behind usAnd things are not what they seem.Funeral11 marches to the grave.Footprints on the sands of time;258Life is real。Life is earnest4。In the world's broad field of battle,Footprints,that perhaps another,And the grave is not its goal;In the bivouac12 of Life,Sailing o'er life solemn main,“Dust thou art,to dust returnest5,”Be not like dumb,driven cattle。A forlorn15 and shipwrecked16 brother,Was not spoken of the soul.Be a hero in the strife13。Seeing,shall take heart again.369Not enjoyment,and not sorrow6,Trust no Future,howe'er pleasant。Let us,then,be up and doing,Is our destined end our way;Let the dead Past 。


