求你们别学了 求你们别评论了 不然我心里会很难受。?


求你们别评论了 不然我心里会很难受。? 不谢邀,因为我是来打击题主的。题主还没毕业,没正式走向社会,就学历这点事就觉得不甘心了?有啥不甘心…

求你们别学了 求你们别评论了 不然我心里会很难受。?


求你们别学了 求你们别评论了 不然我心里会很难受。?

求求你们了学霸。 采纳,好了我写在纸上拍下来传给你,采纳好了等着我答案,学霸帮你。

求你们别学了 求你们别评论了 不然我心里会很难受。?

初三学渣求逆袭 告诉我你们的方法 别问我是怎样的学渣,我就是你们 只有一个月估计不可能了,英语就放弃吧,语文该背的去背社会思品记重点数学去补习班科学每天记看,结果如果你真要学我只能用4个字形容这一个月,生不如死,你得拼了命去学,希望能考上初中

翻译。。。 我真的很着急我还4天考试。。求你们别用谷歌。 We are students from a university OF agriculture,so almost all subjects are related with botany,which is my favorite course as well.As whenever we have botanical class,our teacher would lead us to visit plant.Our university looks like a botanical garden,you can see all kinds of plants that can not be seen in the universities elsewhere.Furthermore,the most funny thing is that flowers and fruits are allowed to be picked up by students.Our teacher would tell us the Latin name for each plant when he shows us around the botanical garden.After class,we would make a sample by flowers that we collected,and then enjoy and remark on these samples finally.By learning this course,I come to love nature as well as our beautiful homeland.是专业翻译,算你走运了。

现在学什么技术前途大啊?我想多学些技术,技术越多越好就业嘛!求推荐,求求你们别来打酱油混经验好嘛 技术不是越多越好的,一门技术你想要吃透足够花费你一辈子的精力了,学什么要结合自己的实际,有些技术要学是有门槛的,起码学历就是硬伤。

